~Proposals-Part 2~

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(August 1st, Kyouka Jirou)

Jirou woke up to a smell of lavender and vanilla. She looked around Kaminari's room and saw some decorations

 She looked around Kaminari's room and saw some decorations

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She went to the common room, and the lights were off. She wondered... "Why the hell are the lights off? And we said we would wake up at 8 AM-" She turned the lights on, adn everyone came out and shouted:


"AUGHH!!" Jirou screamed, not knowing she got a party.

Denki ran over to her, and picked her up with a huge smile.

Denki ran over to her, and picked her up with a huge smile

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"Happy Birthday Kyoo~!"

"Awe, thank you!"

"I have a surprise for you!"

"What is it?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise!"

"Aweee pleeeeaaassseeee~?"



"You guys are literally peanut butter and jelly!!"Mina gushed over them, and how perfect they were.

"Mina, hush.." Kirishima kissed the back of her neck.

"Mmh... fine...."

"Hanta where are you.?" She felt a little nibble at the back of her neck, which was Sero.

"I'm right here baby..."

"Mmh~ Baby.... not here..."

"AYE, DON'T DO THAT TO MY SISTER!!! GET OFFA HER!" Denki pulled them away, giving Sero a death stare.

"O-Ok K-Kaminari-"

"Denksss!! He's mineeee~!" Y/N whined, hugging Sero.

"Go do that s(quack) on your own time!"

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