14. I Won't Believe This

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Adley's POV
Mom is helping me train at the moment and uncle Alec comes rushing in.

"We all have a mission right now. There are all different kinds of demons in the city." He informs us and we all grab our gear. By we I mean me, uncle Magnus, uncle Alec, dad, mom, aunt Izzy, uncle Simon, Caspian and Josh.

We all get to the area and the demons behind a big office building.

"This looks weird" I point out "It's like someone put them there for us. This doesn't just happen like this."

"Adley's right, something's not right about this." Uncle Alec agree's with me and we hear someone laugh.

"Aren't you a smart one Ms. Herondale." Octavius, you have got to be kidding me. Caspian comes beside me and I hold his hand tight.

"You are clearly the work of all this." Dad tells him and Octavius slow claps and we all roll our eyes.

"Well done Jace, way to point out the obvious. Well you all know what, who I want." Octavius reminds us while looking at Caspian.

"Not going to happen" Caspian tells him

"Why don't you just leave the kid alone. He's finally happy" Aunt Izzy stands up for Caspian and I smile at her.

"Awe, how sweet, looks like you've been welcomed into Adley's family Caspian. What's that like?" Octavius asks him

"They have and you are not ruining that for me." Caspian assures him

"Why don't you just give it a rest and go. Before we try to kill you." I threaten him

"Is that a threat?" He throws his blade at me but I catch it but because it made me let go of Caspian, Octavius was able to grab him and he has quite the hold on him.

"Let him go" I demand him and he puts his blade to Caspian's throat which makes me start to panic. "Please, don't" Caspian tries to escape but Octavius is stronger than him.

"Seriously, just let him go. You don't need to do this." Mom tells Octavius and I can feel everyone looking at me.

"Ok, I'll let him go." Octavius quickly slices his blade through Caspian and at his heart and mom and dad turn me away. "See, I let him go."

"How dare you!" Aunt Izzy shouts at him and I'm too shocked to do anything. I hear Octavius leave and I can't bare to look at Caspian. As I'm buried in mom and dad I can feel everyone else hugging around me. I'm not gonna look, I'm not gonna look. He's not dead, he's not dead. I won't believe it, I just won't. I'm able to get a quick glance at him and he's gone, he's gone. This is the worst day ever.

Sorry for this cliffhanger but I had to end this book because I knew I was going to kill off Caspian. ❤️

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