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Hyunjae awoke to the shrill ringing of his alarm for the fifth morning in a row. He would be the first to admit that it was borderline impossible to become accustomed to waking up at 8am everyday as he had had to over the last few weeks. Yet as he leaned back to cover his face with his pillow, his father's butler burst into his room.

"Your majesty," he bowed before continuing, "today you shall be meeting your personal staff members, please would you prepare yourself and meet me in the dining hall so I can explain in more detail over breakfast," the man bowed again.

Despite the early morning, the prince would be lying if he said that he wasn't excited for the day ahead. Ever since he was young, he had always noticed how close his father had been to his personal staff members and the thought of finally having people his age with whom he could share almost everything was one of the most exciting things.

The prince showered quickly and dressed himself in some of his favourite (and Juyeon's favourite) clothes before making sure he was happy with the way he looked and leaving the room.

After reaching the dining hall and being served by the chefs, his father's butler got straight to telling him about his staff.

"I'm sure your father will have passed most of this information to you before now so I will keep it brief, these 4 men were carefully selected by both your parents and us, your father's team, your bodyguard will be your closest member of staff, their surveillance of you will be almost 24 hours and they will live in the room adjacent to yours, please don't let this scare you, hopefully they will never need to step in but they are there just in case of any unfortunate circumstances," Hyunjae gulped both at the thought of someone wanting to hurt him and at the thought of being monitored at all times.

"May I ask you a question?" He asked afterwards.

"Of course your majesty," the butler spoke.

"You say 24 hour surveillance-" Hyunjae began and he quickly noticed the amused smile on the man's face.

"It may interest you to know that all of your secrets will also be their secrets unless they put you in harms way."

Hyunjae was instantly relieved by this yet he was still nervous at the prospect of having to explain to his new bodyguard that he had a secret boyfriend he met with at every Tuesday in a forest. However, for that moment, he filed it away in the back of his mind to think about later.

"You will also have your butler, this person is not just there to dress you and attend to matters like that, they will also be in charge of making sure you know exactly when all of your engagements are and that you are there on time in the correct manner, in addition to this, your butler should also be your closest confidant and your best friend," Hyunjae nodded. He'd already known what his butler's role would be after years of watching his father interact with the man in front of him, he's longed to meet his own butler for as long as he could remember.

Hyunjae had heard Juyeon's stories of the times that he had spent with his friends. Hell, the prince knew so much about his boyfriend's best friend Eric that it was like he was best friends with the boy too. The thought of having someone living with him in the castle who he could gush about Juyeon to and talk to about whatever he wished made him feel so unthinkably excited.

"Next will be your script writer," the butler began after giving Hyunjae his moment to think, "this is kind of in the name but of course as the prince you will be making many speeches at all sorts of different occasions, this person will work closely with your advisor to make sure you are saying exactly what your audience wants to hear."

Hyunjae nodded. Of course, he understood the importance of all of this. The people of Danbya would always be his biggest priority no matter what and of course, getting them on his side was integral to being a good king.

My Prince, The Sun Will Rise // JumilWhere stories live. Discover now