not a star ⤿ peter parker

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New York City was quite a place, tall buildings, bustling people, the ever loud honking of cars and pedestrians yelling. Not to mention the people who dressed in random costumes and hung around Times Square.

Needless to say, New York was rather weird. But it was home now, you had lived in New York for five years. Before moving to New York you lived in the middle of no where, North Carolina. It was beautiful as everything living there, and at night you were able to see the stars through the trees.

You loved New York of course, but it would never beat the shinning stars. Because of all the light pollution you aren't able to see them. The lights from all the buildings, billboards- you name it, shine too bright during the night. Causing the stars to never be able to show.

It wasn't a secret that you missed being able to see stars, you talked about missing the stars a little too much. It was an odd thing to hear someone say that they missed, usually when someone says they missed an old hometown it was usually missing friends or the house. Not the stars.

I mean you did miss living in North Carolina, that was where you grew up so you would forever miss it. You promised your boyfriend, Peter that you would take him to North Carolina one day. You wanted to show him where you grew up and also the stars.

Did I mention you loved the stars??


The night was settling over the city, the night owl people coming out of their buildings to prowl the city and do goodness knows what. You were hanging out on the fire escape, a mug of hot chocolate warming your hands as you people watched. Christmas was coming rather soon so the air was cold, you giggled to yourself as you watched the people all bundled up, seeming to waddle on the sidewalk like penguins.

Soon enough a smiled etched its way onto your face as you notice a person dressed in a costume swinging across the buildings and sky with perfect agility.

Spiderman, or Peter Parker, or your lovely boyfriend.

It didn't take long for him to land softly on your fire escape, even with his mask on you knew he was beaming from ear to ear. He looked around to make sure no one else was out on their balconies or fire escapes before he pulled his mask off. His hair was stuck up in all directions causing you to let out a quiet laugh, placing your mug on the windowsill before you leaned over to run your fingers through his hair to try and fix it. But his hair was still a little messy, but that was okay.

After you ran your fingers through his hair he was gently cradling you face in his hands and pressing a loving kiss to your lips. You couldn't help but hum into the kiss, causing him to smile against your lips. Once the need for air was present you two were pulling away, although neither of you wanted to stop.

"Hi," Peter couldn't help but laugh his phrase out, causing you to smile brightly at him. "Hello."

The two of you stared at one another in silence, it wasn't awkward or weird, just taking one another in. He broke the silence by pressing a kiss to your cheek, which in turn caused you to let out a small laugh. "I have a surprise for you." He said softly, which caused your brows to furrow in ever so slightly. You tilted your head to the side with a hum, "a surprise?" You questioned, starting to smile.

He nodded his head with a wide smile, placing his hands on your hips as he pulled you close to his suit clad body. "Yes, a surprise." Peter replied, letting his left hand trail up to push some of your hair away from your face. You arched a brow at that, "And where might this 'surprise' be located?" you asked him, placing your hands on his chest. He soon was placing his mask back on his face, you watched him in confusion.

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