Getting Ready for Flying Class

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Y/N woke up and prepared for his morning workout. He walked down to the common room and was surprised to see Hermione wasn't there. He waited ten minutes and when Hermione didn't appear he chuckled to himself:

"Must have slept in"

And headed out by himself. He finished his workout, showered and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Once there he found Hermione reading Quidditch Through the Ages and Neville sitting next to her, furiously writing notes on anything she said. Y/N sat down on the other side of Hermione, right at the end of the Gryffindor table, and before he could open his mouth to speak was wrapped in a bone crunching hug.

"Well good morning to you too" Y/N chuckled, hugging Hermione back. She released the hug and spoke quickly:

"Oh goodness Y/N, I'm so so sorry I missed you this morning"

Y/N smiled as he rubbed her back tenderly.

"It's not a problem Hermione. I was a little worried but I figured you were sleeping in"

Hermione sighed.

"Yes I did I'm sorry. I was up late last night, reading this book for this afternoon"

Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"You're really worried about flying class aren't you?"

Hermione nodded and sighed.

"Yes. Don't laugh but... I'm afraid of heights."

Y/N gave Hermione a sad expression, taking her smaller hands in his larger ones and saying tenderly:

"'Mione I would never laugh at you"

Hermione was instantly wracked with guilt.

"Oh Y/N I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry"

Y/N chuckled as he squeezed her hands.

"No sweet, I'm not upset at that, I'm upset that you're scared".

She smiled but inside her heart was pounding and her mind screaming- He called me sweet.

Her attention was pulled back to the present moment as Y/N spoke again:

"Look I know it's scary, but I've flown heaps of times. I'll be right there next to you and won't let anything happen to you, ok?"

Hermione smiled, touched, as she hugged him again and whimpered:

"Thank you Y/N"

As Y/N opened his eyes from the hug he glanced at Neville who still looked terrified. Y/N chuckled:

"Don't stress Nev, I'll look after you too".

The boy smiled gratefully, thanking Y/N who continued:

"I'm not hugging you though"

Causing both Hermione and Neville to laugh.

The trio started their breakfast and after ten minutes the morning post arrived, one of the owls dropping a package to Neville. Before he could open it a hand snatched it away:

"What's this?" Draco sneered, his two thugs next to him. Y/N was on his feet in less than a second, roaring:

"Give it back Malfuck. Now!"

Draco had fear written all over his face as Y/N took a step forward. Before he could go on with it they were interrupted by Professor McGonagall.

"I certainly hope we aren't fighting boys."

Y/N answered without removing his glare from Draco:

"No professor. The cowardly ferret here was just returning something he has that doesn't belong to him".

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