Poem - Life

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True that Life

is full of highs and lows;

but what to do when

the high's too high and the low's too low?

We all come across that phase in our lives

when everything just doesn't feel right.

When you know that something is wrong

but you just remain quiet.

Outside you are emotionless,

no one knows your pain;

until you finally break down in tears,

letting all your efforts to not cry go in vain.

Some share it on social media,

while some share it with their pillows in the form of tears.

Some start acting cold,

while some just cry over everything they hear.

Some tackle it by music,

while some don't tackle it at all.

Which way is right

and which one is wrong?

I'll tell you what to do,

just trust me this once;

there's a person in your life

who loves you more than anyone.

If you believe in him,

everything will be alright;

you will feel at ease;

and everything will loosen up that had been feeling tight.

The person right there, the one you see in the mirror

joins your broken life pieces and acts as a glue;

he loves you the most and accepts all the flaws

that makes you, You.

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