The Best Life On Earth

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Ahh, San Francisco. A wonderful city full of hundreds of lovely people, nice views, and- wait, what was that? Two zipping lights, one red and the other blue, zoomed across the city streets and practically climbing up buildings, the red light revealing to be a ship in hot pursuit of the blue light as it shot towards it but missing every time. As they continued to zip across the entire city, not really caring that they're destroying some buildings and vehicles, the blue light was then shown to be a rather fast blue hedgehog with bright red shoes and comically large gloves. He dodged another one of the flying ship's shots and flipped onto the street, a blue glowing streak coming off from behind him as he continued to run. It was also shown that inside the ship was a man with a rather glorious looking mustache and red goggles shielding his eyes,

"Sonic!" A girl's voice could be heard from the side of the hedgehog, causing him to look over to see a young girl around his age zooming beside him on what seemed to be a small silver platform, riding it as if it was a surfboard or skateboard. She nervously looks behind her for a moment before her eyes meet the hedgehog's green ones, who soon nodded to her and ran forward. The girl sighs heavily and zooms after him, quickly dodging a car as the hedgehog hops on and off it to avoid another shot...and then the scenery freezes when the car explodes

"So, I know what you're thinking. Why is that incredibly handsome hedgehog being chased by a madman with a mustache from the Civil War?"

The hedgehog's, Sonic's, voice narrates in the background as the scene soon resumes as both the girl and Sonic escape the explosion and continue to effortlessly dodge the ship's lasors,

"Well, to be honest, it feels like I've been running my whole life"

The narration continues as Sonic maneuvers through cars left and right, the girl on the platform soon catching up as she jumps across one car,

"Is this too much? Am I going to fast? It's kinda what I do- you know what? Let's back up"

The screen soon starts to rapidly play back everything leading up to that chase scene as if it was a whole movie...which it probably is. And now..the real story begins. An island full of greenery and light was soon shown, a sunrise placing itself in the background as the sound of water was heard from the many waterfalls placed around the large island.

"This is the island where I'm from"

Sonic continues to narrate as a familiar blue light was shown zooming across a pathway on the island, going as fast as light itself,

"It had everything. Sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-de-loops!"

The little blue light flips through a loop-de-loop as the sonic narration explains,

"And I never had to catch a school bus because I could run across the entire island in less than two seconds"

Sonic, now shown as a small child, was shown running confidently throughout the plains with an excited smirk on his face

"...also there was no school. I know, pretty sweet island, right?"

The little Sonic flies up in the air before plummeting down to bounce his way through the island at incredible speed,

"I was born with extraordinary powers and was told to keep them secret. And like any kid, I did the exact opposite"

Kid Sonic soon arrived in a small secluded area full of houses and bridges leading up to specific places. He slows down a little to ride up these bridges, rolling in a small glowing ball before entering a house on the very top. Upon coming inside, he then bounced up and purposely hit himself  on a big owl who was sleeping, causing her to jolt in surprise and quickly balance herself so she wouldn't fall from where she was perched,

𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (Sonic x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now