Mistakes Were Made

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The baseball game playoffs ended rather quickly, the sun leaving the horizon as fewer and fewer people left the field.

(Y/N) promised the younger kids who she sometimes skates with to watch them during the game, her now returning back home with an intention of crashing into her bed and passing out. She road her skateboard peacefully, the help of the street lamps being her only source of light as she zipped through the sidewalk, whistling her favorite song. It didn't take her long to arrive at her house, skitting her skateboard to a stop when she noticed the lights were off inside,

"Oooh no, not again" She mumbled angrily under her breath as she steps on the end of her skateboard to carry it. She rushes to the door and bangs on it,

"Mom! Dad, I'm home!" She yells loudly, hoping that they'd at least hear her instead of ignoring her calls...again. After a second of waiting, her leg bouncing anxiously during it, she sputters a sigh and bangs on the door again,

"C'mon, don't leave me out here!" She backs up slightly to see if anyone is looking through the windows. Unfortunately, there was no one there,

"Greeeat" (Y/N) swung her head frustratingly as she slowly leaves the door to head back onto the sidewalk,

"I even told them about the playoffs this time..maybe I should've left my bedroom window open" She mutters to herself as she sets her skateboard down, pressing her foot on it as she takes one more look towards her house,

"Hopefully Tom and Maddie won't mind if I crash at their place again" With that, she rolls away with her skateboard, making sure to stay in the light of the street lamps.

Meanwhile, instead of sleeping, Sonic had other plans on his mind. He walked into the baseball field, the large floodlights lighting his way across as he looked at everything in complete awe. He smiled widely as he continued to wander to the middle of the field, staring up at the lights that pointed directly at him and the field,

"So cool.." He muttered under his breath, his eyes drifted down to notice a big bag of bats and balls laying on a bench. A lightbulb struck his brain as his smile shifted mischeviously,

"Bottom of the ninth, tie score. And exactly who you want at the plate with the game on the like: Sonic!" Sonic hits the edge of his baseball bat on the plate he stood on, adusting his helmet with his other hand confidently. He gave a lopsided smirk to the imaginary opponent in front of him..before he quickly zipped to the pitcher's mound and became the opponent,

"But staring him down from the pitcher's mound is the most fearsome southpaw in Green Hills: also Sonic!" He wore a green cap and a pitcher glove, smirking assertively as he swung his hand to warm up before switching back to his original spot,

"Okay. Focus, Sonic. If you win this game, you'll be the most beloved kid in Green Hills" He reassured himself, readying his bat before zipping to switch with another player. He fastly moves his hand, making multiple possibly fake call signs before finally speaking up,

"Hit it to the guy in the left! He's a real space case" He called out, pointing to the Sonic that was mindlessly looking off into space, blowing on his bubblegum before it popped all over his face,

"Ugh, I can't with that guy" Pitcher Sonic rolls his eyes,

"Hey, batter Sonic. Hey, batter Sonic. Suh-wiiing, batter Soniiic" Catcher Sonic rapidly says as he makes signs with his hands. Soon Pitcher Sonic threw the ball towards Batter Sonic, who effortlessly hits it and makes the ball soar through the air. Left fielder Sonic who was strangely smelling a daisy notices the ball in the air, gasping as he stumbles onto his feet to catch it,

"I got it, I got it, I got it!" He yells, only for him to jump and not catch it as he watches the ball bounce in front of him,

"I don't got it.." He disappointingly mumbles. Batter Sonic throws his bat aside and begins to run to each plate, an excited smirk on his face as he dodges the ball that Left fielder Sonic threw,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (Sonic x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now