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*There's going to be a new way of writing the chapters. Going to do each narrative from each person's point of view.*

Btw guys, there will most likely be a book two! Already coming up with the ideas for it, in sha Allah. (: And I apologize for any mistakes. xo

❝A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.❞

I was beginning to get very annoyed by the fact that Zane was ignoring my calls. He thought he was a slick one, huh. I knew he was avoiding them on purpose, of course. Almost made me feel as if he wanted nothing to do with me. Sike.

If Zane won't answer my calls and come to me, then I'll just go to him. I grab my purse and consider eating but decide not to and head out with my car keys.

Just thinking about the frown and expression of anger that will come upon little Yasmeen's face makes me smile. It will be a very satisfying moment indeed.

Sliding into my car, I drive out to my destination with anticipation. Once I reach the familiar house, I step out, sunglasses on, and proceed to knock on the door.

A really cute guy opens the door and I can't help but to quickly check him out before proceeding to step inside without even a hello.

"Who are you?" The tall guy says in a deep voice.

I ignore his question and ask, "Where's Zane?" Speaking of the devil, his handsome face appears from the kitchen and his smile disappears into a frown as soon as he sees me.

I smile and tilt my head slightly. "I was waiting for you at the door."

He slightly shakes his head and walks over to me, wiping his hands with a towel. "What are you doing here, Alia?"

"I'm here to see the love of my life, of course. It seems I haven't been able to reach you for the past few days. Just making sure that you're okay."

"I'm fine." He says bluntly.

"Well I can see that now."

"Great, I'll walk you back to your car." He waves his hand to the door behind me and I can't help but smile at that. He really thinks he can get rid of me that fast.

"Tuh tuh, Zaney. I'd like to chill out for a while. I'm sure you can guess how tired I am right now after all this driving." I fake distress and proceed to walk to the couch.

The tall guy looks at Zane with a confused look and Zane gives him a look back saying he'll explain to him later. "Whatever I guess."

"Where's my bestie, Yasmeen?"

"Best friend?" Tall guy asks, getting even more confused.

"Who are you?" I say as I begin to get annoyed with him. He's cute but just annoying.

"Aalam, Yasmeen's brother."

"Right." I say, uninterested. "Anyway, where's your sister, then?" I grab the remote and flip through channels until I get to the cooking channel. Cutthroat Kitchen is on and I can't help but to wonder what it would be like if Yasmeen and I were on this show. I'd probably spend all of my money to sabotage her just because, even if I didn't end up winning.

"I'm right here." I turn to her voice and smirk.

"Why are you here, Alia? You and I both know this is the last place that you should be." She crosses her arms across her chest and her look of displeasure does everything for me. I try really hard to hold in my laughter.

"Just came to see my future husband."

"Are you forgetting in that tiny little brain of yours that he has a wife already?"

The Perks of Having a Nikah (A Muslim Love Story) *BACK 2023*Where stories live. Discover now