But First Years Never Make the House Team

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Y/N and Hermione arrived at Flying class to see Madam Hooch laying out brooms in two rows facing each other.

They approached to hear Ron and Harry talking. Draco was sneering at the two boys.

"I don't understand why they put us with the snakes" Ron whined to Harry.

Y/N walked up next to Harry with Hermione still on his arm and shot Draco a death glare. Draco looked down quickly, before turning to dumb and dumber.

"Ravenclaw have big brains and Hufflepuff have big hearts" Y/N said calmly, not taking his eyes off the three Slytherins.

The two boys looked at Y/N confused. Ron muttered: "So"

Y/N smirked.

"So we're the only ones with big enough balls to stand up to them".

The boys laughed as Hermione slapped Y/N's arm. He joined in the chuckle, adding: "Sorry 'Mione"

Madam Hooch called out to the students:

"Good afternoon boys and girls. Please line up next to a broom". The students all did- Gryffindor on one side and Slytherin on the other. Neville stood to the left of Y/N while Hermione stood to his right.

"Alright when I tell you to I want you to hold out your hand and say "Up!" with a big clear voice. Only when I tell you to- but first..."

Hooch made direct eye contact with Y/N.

"Mr. L/N, your reputation precedes you. Go first if you will."

Y/N smirked and held out his hand out. Without uttering a word or breaking eye contact from Hooch the broom flew up at speed into his hand.

"Non-verbal Magic. Impressive Mr. L/N. Very impressive. Take 20 points for Gryffindor." Hooch smiled. The other Gryffindors cheered as the Slytherins moaned.

"Now everyone else go" Hooch ordered.

Harry's broom flew up on the first try, Draco's the second. Y/N looked to his right and saw Hermione having trouble, no matter how much she commanded the broom to rise it would only roll on the ground.

 Y/N looked to his right and saw Hermione having trouble, no matter how much she commanded the broom to rise it would only roll on the ground

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Y/N dropped his broom and stood behind her, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other delicately on her hand.

"Spread your fingers a little, relax the tension in your hand a little, and imagine yourself dominating the broom, 'Mione, bend it to your will, firmly command it".

Hermione had lit up like a tomato, but she did as Y/N suggested, and with one firm "Up!" the broom was in her hand. Before she could thank him Y/N had moved and she heard him speaking:

"No Nev hold your arm out or.... the broom's going to hit you in the face... good try Nev!"

Y/N stood in his place again as Hooch spoke again:

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