Chapter 39

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Nico's POV
Today was the day.

The day I've dreaded every year for three years.

Today is the third anniversary of Bianca's dead.

I haden't thought about her since I had been with Will but the whole week the nightmares about her dying had been almost unbearable. Sometimes it was the Talos automatron and I was forced to watched her get crushed under it's giant foot other time I was the one to kill her.
It was so bad that Rosy had lifted her ban on Will only sleeping in the Hades cabin. The screaming and crying had been that bad.

I didn't tell anyone what my nightmares were about not even Will or Crystal, because I know if I told Will he would ask me to talk about it and talking wouldn't help because then I would have to talk about my dreams.

So I was sitting in the woods because I didn't want to deal with anyone asking what was wrong and then receiving false sympathy. I didn't even care that it was snowing and I was probably going to get hypothermia.

I heard crunching leaves behind me and prepared for Jason to come be all big brother on me or Will being all concerned doctor/boyfriend but what I go was Leo Valdez poking him head out from behind a tree.

"Hey Neeks what's got you down that your sitting alone in the snow" he asked probably the most serious I'd ever seen him.
"Nothing you'd understand" I grumble.
"Well I asked around because for like the last two hours I had to listen to your sister complain to my sister about how much your boyfriend was complaining about you practically disappearing" Leo said,"And from what I got from Percy today is the day your other sister died" he came a little closer.
I felt tears coming in my eyes so I just nodded. I didn't like showing this kind of emotion in front of people except for my really close friends.
Leo hugged me,"It's okay Nico you can let it out it really sucks when you loose someone you are really close to and people who don't how devastating say how sorry they are" he calmed me rubbing my back,"But you know if you let people in and let them help they can help you especially people who know loss"
"You know Leo this actually helped a lot" I say shivering.
"I was actually planning on you killing me as soon as I touched you so I also think it went pretty well" he laughed being normal jokey Leo again.

I shivered again.

"Oh no the ghost king is cold that can not do what would Dr. Boyfriend think if I let you get hypothermia while I was taking to you!" he screeched throwing me over his shoulder.

"Leo put me down" I shout pounding on his back surprised that he picked me up as scrawny as he looked and considering he was only about an inch taller than me.

"No I must deliver the package" he said picking up speed towards the cabins.
"I'm cold" I whine in an attempt to get him to slow down.
"Fine" he said and his whole body stated to heat up.
"Leo your going to catch us both on fire" I sigh.
"I am hurt with you lack of trust" he said.
"Whatever can you hurry this up or at least tell me where we're going?"
"And here we are" he walked into the zeus cabin depositing me on a bed.
"Jason I swear to the gods if you sent this bozo to practically kidnap me I-" angry at the son of jupiter.
"Calm down DeathBoy no need to go makin threats" Will soothed sitting next to me.
"Whatever, why am I here?" I said burrowing my face in his chest.
"Wow I can't get him to calm him down that fast a familiar female voice awed (can I even use this like this?), I knew that voice anywhere.
"Hazel" I wrapped my arms around my sister,"When did you get here?"
"Couple minutes ago saw Leo going into the forest to find you so I told him to bring you here to see me"
"you know Leo if you would have just said Hazel was here I would have came without you carrying me" I tell the son of Hephaestus.
"Yeah but what fun is that" he shrugged.

"Can I go back to my cabin now my clothes are soaked from sitting in the snow" I say.
"Okay I want to get settled in, I'm staying until the end of January, Frank and Reyna are putting there new arguer in charge and coming down christmas even till the end of January." she said grabbing her bag off the floor.

Hazel's POV
At first I was a little surprised that my brother was gay. He didn't seem like that kind of guy but then I was just the slightest bit mad that he had a boyfriend and didn't tell me.
"How dare you get a boyfriend and not tell your only sister" I say as we walked in the cabin.
"Well" he started.

"Nico I so happy you're back I've been staring at the ceiling for about thirty minutes because I can't find the remote" a girl yelled from the couch. (And I'm feeling lazy so I'm not going to describe the cabin for like the fiftieth time)
"Have you considered getting up and pressing the buttons on the TV?" Nico asked.
"But that would require getting up" the girl whined.

"uh Nico who is that?" I ask kind of uncomfortable.
"Hazel this is Crystal she's a daughter of Hades and really annoying" he says as we sit on the couch.
Now that I could see what Crystal I noticed that she looks exactly like a female version of Nico.
"So homo where you been all day? I would say you were suckin face but Dr. Solace was in here bugging me on if I knew where you were" Crystal said turning upside down on the couch.
"Wow we're getting real creative with the nicknames aren't we Crys?" Nico laughs,"And I was in the woods until Leo came and kidnapped me"
"Why were you sitting in the snow?" She asked concerned.
"Because today is the anniversary of my other sister's death" he mumbled.
"You never told me you had another sister besides her" she jabs her thumb at me and hugged him.
"I'm okay now though before I was stolen Leo actually gave some pretty good advise"

This chapter wasn't as sad as I thought it was going to be so
Peace Out

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