Not Such a Quiet Weekend

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Y/N arrived at the Potions classroom for his first private session with Snape. He'd gone with Hermione for their usual morning session, had breakfast together and left her with Ron and Harry in the Great Hall. As Y/N was leaving Harry had said to him:

"You look pretty happy for someone who has a detention with Snape"

Y/N chuckled:

"Well I'm a glutton for punishment I guess"

He knocked on the classroom door and heard a droll reply of "enter". He walked in and closed the door behind him, smiling and greeting the Professor with a happy:

"Good morning Severus"

Snape looked up from the workbench he was sat up and replied with an equally happy:

"Good morning, Y/N"

In front of the Potions Master were four cauldrons bubbling away.

"For today's session Y/N we will be focusing on the second year Potions curriculum. In front of you are the four potions you are expected to master next year, being primarily a Strengthening Solution, a Fire Protection Potion, a Swelling Solution and a Fire Breathing Potion. Look at the potions Y/N. Commit to memory their colour and smell. We will start with a Fire Protect Potion. Let us begin"

The next two hours flew by. Y/N noted, observed and replicated, thoroughly enjoying the time with his father's close friend.

At the end of the two hour block Y/N had a perfect potion on the boil.

"Fantastic job Y/N. I will need to monitor this for the next two hours, but you've brewed a flawless potion. Have ten house points and I will see you at Potions Monday afternoon".

Y/N nodded and thanked the Professor before heading to the lunch hall for lunch. He got there and sat next to Hermione, across from Ron and Harry.

"How was it?" Hermione asked as she hugged Y/N.

"Lots of cleaning" Y/N smirked.

Fantastic. Started on second year potions. He spoke about some of the missions he and Dad did together. It was pretty awesome.

Hermione smiled into the hug, hearing Y/N's voice in her mind. It made her so happy for her best friend, hearing stories like this, seeing his father's awards. It made him feel close to a father he'd never known.

Following lunch Y/N and Hermione were walking towards the library when Y/N remembered he had to give Professor Flitwick a message from Professor Snape. He turned to Hermione:

"I've just got to deliver a message to Professor Flitwick, I'll run to the staff room and meet you at the library?"

Hermione smiled and nodded as Y/N darted off down the corridor to the staff room.

She continued onwards, escaping into her thoughts. She considered Y/N and their relationship. He was always so sweet to her, always caring. The feelings she got around him. The butterflies in her stomach, the heat in her cheeks. Could she have a crush on him? Did she have a-?

She was pulled from her thoughts as she turned down a corridor to see five Slytherins hanging around. She tensed slightly as she continued forward. She had received a couple of rude comments already during her time at Hogwarts, about her heritage. Always from Slytherins and always when Y/N wasn't with her. She knew the cowards wouldn't dare while he was there. She put her head down and tried to keep walking when an especially large, sweaty and ugly boy stood in front of her.

"Oi Mudblood you lost?" the youth sneered at Hermione while his cronies chuckle.

"No I'm not and don't call me that!" Hermione said defiantly as she was forced to stop in her tracks, unable to get around the overweight lad.

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