35. Because of you

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The door wasn't fully open yet and Jungkook's anxious gaze fell directly on Jimin. Getting to study him for a short moment before he didn't waste another second to enter. Jungkook, almost instantly opened his arms for Jimin and eagerly embraced him.

"Jimin, baby.." The man breathed out a soft breathe in relief, taking more time to hug the other without feeling like letting him go and smiled. But however, Jimin's arms were away from hugging the employee as his whole body refused to move. "I missed you.. so much."

Jimin remained still; pensive expression on his face.

As if he became paralysed the moment he saw Jungkook. Being in a sort of apathetic ennui with many thoughts crossing his mind simultaneously. But only focusing on the memory of the picture Joohyun sent him that night, since It was enough to make him despise Jungkook's gentle touches. He didn't want to be less mad about it, just because Jungkook was hugging him.

Until soon Jungkook was able to notice how Jimin refrained hugging him, like totally. Not even making a slight reaction. He pulled back to the fact how odd that was and his gaze immediately came to fix on Jimin's eyes that began bouncing anywhere around but never falling on his.

It was confusing because he realized Jimin was avoiding eye contact.

And that was more concerning than the fact he never answered Jungkook's calls or messages for days. So the younger became worried about the other's state of mind. Because with that look obviously stuff seemed to be bothering the older.

"Jimin? Are you alright?"

Jimin listened to Jungkook's question that came out with a caring tone of his voice and breathed once he nodded his head as he wasn't really thinking.

That act, of course, didn't bring relief to Jungkook to make him less confused or worried, no. Yet, he smiled a tiny bit. A smile that was so dry, and with that confused look on his face, hugged Jimin once again. This time sincere, rubbing his palms over Jimin's lower back. Hoping like that Jimin would change his manner towards him a little bit anytime soon.

But almost nothing.

Even though Jimin set his hands on Jungkook's back now, the celebrity wasn't less triggered. And Jungkook found it hard handle how that touch was so not intimate. But none of them said anything yet.

Jungkook breathed out a soft inhale of Jimin once he rested his head on his shoulder and tightened his arms around him, even though he received no emotion from the other.

Few more seconds of him staying there, reminding himself to be careful with his words if he had to utter anything soon till something interrupted his thoughts.

Jungkook's nose moved to brush against Jimin's cheek and his brows curled at the feeling he received from Jimin's smell and next his eyes fell open.

Feeling his hands loosen from around the frustrated man

No matter how much the employee wanted to think positive about it, the combination of a familiar scent with a strange masculine fragrance that came right from Jimin's side face didn't help at all. Another inhale around Jimin's neck and Jungkook was able to receive the smell of sweat after sex.

It was the thought of another man had touched Jimin made Jungkook's heart suddenly leap so he pulled away to wonder in Jimin's expression as his own were apprehensive.

Jimin looked yet so.. emotionless- with his dry stare.

"Jimin I- .."

He couldn't figure out what he wanted to say. Or what to even say.

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