5. Fame - The fashion show

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Jimin brushed the strand of his blonde hair off his face using his fingertips and smiled. Ready for the show to begin at any moment.

The designer wore black double breasted suit, various rings on fingers, a golden Gucci necklace and earrings that matched the colour of hair. Light makeup on his face with that pretty smile that played at the corner of his mouth and softened his gaze,

He indeed looked handsome.

And as confidant as he tried be, without reminding himself how much of an unhappy person he has became.

Jimin still, enjoyed being around the famous good looking people that attended the show and sat on the many many seats on either side of the wide runway.

It was indeed a big show. The stage was huge, loud chattering that has filled the area since it was already full of audience, every minute waited for the show to start. With of course, the many photographers, that were sitting all around the runway in the backseats, looking impatient.

It was unexpected from Jimin disregard Joohyun that was sitting on the other side on a seat in the crowd. But he only did and didn't let his eyes fall on her because he couldn't watch his blood boil getting himself mad at the sight of her. But he only sat, with a heavy heart. Doing his best to let this night be a better one. At least for these few hours. So he just paid no attention and instead had a good conversation with a famous rapper that sat next to him, with a smile on his face.

Until soon, his phone vibrated on his lap. He grabbed it to read the message that Seulgi sent.

"I found my seat. But i can't spot you anywhere. That's not important, though. I wanted to tell you once this show is over for you, let's catch up in your car. I wanna chill and have wine to celebrate nothing."

Jimin chuckled and another message popped up.

"The top greatest model of Korea is walking on this runway tonight!! You know him! Oh god, this show can't get any better now. Are you excited?"

Jimin raised his eyebrow at that, impressed.

Kim Taehyung?

Oh, that handsome talented man. Of course Jimin knew him.

Jimin started typing his reply,

"I had no idea. Yeah I'm excited too. We've been waiting for this for so long anyway, right? See you darling."


The fashion show was big, as expected, and almost all of the celebrities wanted to attend, since the designer was the most important one in entire Korea. They wanted nothing but to observe his work and buy it in the future.  But the main reason Jimin wanted to be there was because he was invited by that designer himself. Which means he accorded special honour.

He could not attend, but Jimin also wanted to help himself focus on his career again. Like how he forgot to give a damn about it for a while.

To feel motivated again, to try find the good in his life and avoid his personal life issues by all the other great things he had in life. Like this honour and fame. Plus, Park Jimin couldn't deny knowing Kim Taehyung was going to walk on the runway in front of him made him look a little more excited.

He never met that handsome model in person and only watched him on the television, social media etc. So in general Jimin considered himself lucky tonight.

As soon as the music started playing, the show began. People had their phones and photographers their cameras ready so once the models walked on the runway one after another, displaying fashion, started snapping pictures and recording videos.

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