4. Are you happy?

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Yoongi was sitting on the sofa in the living room. His legs and arms crossed. Obvious with that frown upon his forehead that he was pissed.

And of course, because of their conversation at lunch earlier.

He sighed eventually, when he sat there for long minutes in silence and Hoseok wasn't even giving him a single look as he stood in the kitchen doing dishes, then got up to go to him and tell him what was really bothering him.

Before he took a single step towards the kitchen, Yoongi peeked Inside Jaewon's room from distance, to check if his boyfriend was still there on a phonecall and then he quickly walked towards Hoseok and leaned against the cabinet next to him.

Hoseok was startled a second as he found Yoongi standing there and took one quick glance towards the living room to turn his attention back to the sink immediately and continued doing the dishes.

"Where are you looking?" Yoongi started. "Are you that afraid your brother see us alone?"

"You're funny." Hoseok scoffed, head down, washing the plates. "But you seem so mad. What's bothering you this much or what did i do again?"

"So you know I'm pissed at You!"

"It's obvious, baby."


"Min Yoongi?"


"What??" Hoseok hissed.

Yoongi huffed and looked away, annoyed just more.

"Hoseok, please stop trying my patience." Yoongi breathed, wanting just one look from Hoseok to feel like the other was actually not ignoring and cared to listen. But the more he waited, the more Hoseok avoided his gaze. "Why you avoid me so much lately? You could agree we watch a movie alone. Hm? .. I thought you always wanted to spend time with me, then why?"

Seemed like that little pout on Yoongi's lips and the sadness and disappointment, did something to Hoseok. Because once their eyes met, he couldn't avoid the latter further. So he breathed deeply, cussing at himself inside his head for wanting to kiss that pout off Yoongi's lips badly.

"I do," Hoseok paused, putting the dish inside the cabinets. "But yeah, I'm afraid. I don't want to be alone with you without Jaewon. I guess you already know that, though. There's a risk we do something we might regret later. Even if that wasn't the case, Just the idea of being with you alone makes me feel like I'll be letting you cheat on my brother. Because of what you truly feel inside, Yoongi." He explained, eyeing Yoongi that glared at him.

"Nonsense." Yoongi exhaled, "You are unbelievable Hoseok!"

"Be quiet!" Hoseok hissed, getting frustrated, "Jaewon could hear you."

"I don't care."

"Oh no, You do care! Because you have to care! He's my brother and you're not a child Yoongi!" Hoseok scolded. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"We might do something? Do you think i mind? Well I don't honestly."

"Exactly! and that's the problem. You don't mind! But i do mind, Yoongi."

"Okay fine, fine! But since you refuse to watch a movie with me, i won't go on the date with Jaewon tomorrow." Yoongi argued.

"What-" Hoseok stared at Yoongi in disbelief. "What has that to do with the date?!"

Yoongi just shrugged, watching Hoseok clinch his jaw. "You know i can't be joking about it. And you of course don't want to see your brother sad when i reject to go on that date with him." Yoongi raised his eyebrows and daringly glared at the other. "Or .. do you?"

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