Chapther 2

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I woke up in the middle of the night but In pain I gently moved Janet over trying not to wake her it was really dark in our room so I went to the bathroom,I seen a sight no mother never and shouldn't have to see I tried to keep quiet but it failed as pains kept hitting me I let a loud scream that I knew that woke Janet up for sure.Toni baby what's wrong why are you screaming she said rubbing her eyes making her way into our bathroom,Janet I'm sorry Im so sorry I said crying,You don't have to be sorry let's just go Janet said picking me up running so fast I thought she was going to fall down the flight of the stairs she swung the door open and started the car.I was still sitting her lap as it started getting worse I felt light headed and thought I was gonna pass out.

Once I finally made it to the hospital I just got out the car and ran her into the hospital.
Please help me m-my girlfriend she's bleeding she's pregnant with our baby I said really fast panicking.
Toni baby stay with me I swear I'm sorry I didn't mean to I didn't mean anything I said as I was walking back with her then they stopped me the last thing I heard her say was I'm going to be okay and we love you to.

I paced the floor still worried about her lord knows I can't live without her I was just going crazy I didn't mean anything she says she know that but I want her to how very sorry I am,I started worrying my self so much I started having an panic attack,I was breathing hard everything started to get so quiet as I breathed in heavily I was thinking what would I do without her I know I couldn't walk the face of this earth with out my baby nor her little self.

After about two hours I was finally asleep balled up on the the hospital couch,

Dream Sequence

Hey mommy me still in mommy's tummy this little girl said smiling,ha needs to eat more because me be hungry sometimes,Toni really didn't eat much to be 4 almost 5 months pregnant.You and mommy are pretty I see her everyday in ha dream ha told me I was going to be a mommy's baby but I told her I might like my other mommy better don't worry ha don't know me a girl ha no see my face,I love you mommy she said giggling and jumping around.
Dream Over

I woke up panting with wide eyes this can't be true we're having a baby girl,Toni never wanted to know the gender until like 2 months before she have the baby so I won't tell her.

Ms.Jackson a tall white man came beside me,That's me I said sitting up fixing my hair and cloths.Baby and Mom are just fine she needs to eat more and she needs to be in a stress free environment,You can see her now he said leading me to her room.

Once I got in there she was peacefully sleeping I decided to sleep in the chair across from her bed since it's my fault of why we almost lost our baby,I kinda figured she would want her space from me because of how terrible of a person I've been to her these last few months I don't know how someone cause love a person like me I just don't understand what she still sees,I finally drifted back off the sleep after overthinking my head off but why would she still want me.

I woke up with the sun in my face I heard a tv and giggling,what's so funny I said being very curious.You the way you was sleeping in that chair why you didn't sleep in the bed with me you would been more comfortable she said giving this toothless smile.I thought you didn't want me around you since it my f- don't you even say it Janet Damita Jo Jackson I swear on my life you keep talking nonsense imma have to kick your ass I know you love me and this baby more than ever don't even think about something like that why wouldn't I want you around when I was going through my problems you helped me now it's time for me to help you put you pride aside and let me help you get better I only want what's best for you baby.

Come on come get in the bed with me I said holding my arms out for her to get into them,I got out of the chair and got in the bed with her she pulled my body on top of hers I started tearing up because even though she say it wasn't my fault I knew it was because I stressing her out with my nonsense.Aww baby don't cry we all have our problems it takes time to realize sometimes but now that you do your going to be okay come on gimme kiss I was pulling her face up to mine,she went back to sleep after doing so much crying.


I think this chapter kinda trash but here y'all go

Until next time kisses💕

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