Why? What do I do?

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Hajra walking home from work thinking about what to wear for her date. As she is walking with a smile she noticed somone across the street. Her smile suddenly faded. There he was Johnny Suh with another girl.

Johnny Suh is son of one of the biggest business men. His family works with buisness around the world. Hajra and Johnny dated for 2 years in high school. They were high school sweethearts. They won senior prom king and queen. Everyone envied them. Right before high school graduation Hajra caught him cheating on her with another woman. She was heartbroken. After that she never dated anyone for 2 years till she met Jaemin. She always thought back to when her and Johnny were together sometimes she missed it how perfect they were but then she would tell her self once a cheater always a cheater.

Seeing him with another woman hurt all over again but she walked away and tried to ignore it. She got home and got ready. She wore a simple dress hair down light makeup.
Her doorbell rang and she ran for the door.
There he was standing in a suit looking like a Prince Charming.
"Hi are you ready?" Jaemin asked
"Yea lemme just grab my clutch" Hajra said
As they walked out he opened the front car door for her as she sat in and closed it after her.
He drove for an hour Hajra slightly getting scared to where they were headed
"Oh How far is this restraint" Hajra asked
"About five more minutes" jaemin said
"It must be really nice if we're driving this far" Hajra said smiling
"You just wait and see" Jaemin replied

"We're here" Jaemin said
Jaemin got out of the car and opened the door to Hajra and took her hand. He lead her to a small restraint and opened the door to her.
As Hajra walked in she was amazed the place was filled with red roses and twinkling lights.
There was one table set up for the two of them.
The rest of the place was empty and no cars around the place either which Hajra found a bit suspicious.
"Wow it's beautiful I love it" Hajra said with a smile on her face
"Wait until you taste the food" he said slightly laughing.
They sat in there seats and ordered food from the on waiter that was hired for the night.
"Why is it so empty" Hajra asked suspiciously
"I don't know I guess people don't come around here to much" Jaemin said
"Why not it's beautiful" Hajra said
"I don't know" Jaemin said with an awkward smile

'Why is it so empty, did he rent the place out, why would he want know one else around" Hajra thought to herself

As there food came in and the night went on they seemed to be getting along very well

"Do you have plans for tommarow?" Hajra asked
"Well I have to be at a business meeting at night time, why do you ask?" jaemin said
Hajra mentally slapped herself
'Oh I have to go to the ball tommarow what the hell was I thinking' Hajra thought
"Why do you ask?" Jaemin asked
"Oh no reason" Hajra said really fast

As they wrapped up dinner Jaemin drove Hajra back home. He walked her up to her house.

"We should do this again sometime" Jaemin said
"Yea I had a lot of fun thanks for tonight" Hajra said
As Jaemin leaned in and gave her a kiss on her cheek. And walked off. Hajra blushing so hard her face started burning.

'Oh how sweet he how romantic! But yet so mysterious? I LOVE IT!' Hajra thought to herself.

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                                        Next Day

All the girls headed out of there houses to start the new day off.
"Hey what's up" Farwa yelled from across the street
"Oh Hajra how was your date" Sana asked
"It was so dreamy I think I'm in love but I don't know who he is, I don't think he's a business man" Hajra said
"Why what happened" Afeefa said
"Nothing happened he just gets so nervous and hesitant every time the topic comes up I feel like he's lying" Hajra said
"Yea all boys are fat liars" Farwa mumbled to herself
"Oh Maby he's super poor and trying to act rich to reach your standards" Afeefa said
"What standards if your poor who cares I'm not going to judge him for it" Hajra said
"You should've invited him as your date to the ball later" Farwa said
"I thought of it but I felt like it's too soon and I don't even know him yet" Hajra said
"Okay well we have to go bye guys" laila said

as her and Afeefa walked off
Farwa and Sana sat in there car
Hajra grabbed a taxi to get to work

"Hey laila" Yeonjun yelled from across the school field
Laila just froze on spot
'What does he want from me now' Laila thought
"Hey you're going to the ball later tonight right" Yeonjun said smiling
"What? How do you know about that!" Laila said surprised
"Because everyone knows who your dad is obviously you have to go" Yeonjun said
"Okay yea I'm going why" Laila said
"Okay then I'm your date" Yeonjun said
"No your not I already have a date" Laila lied
"Okay then cancel on him I'll pick you up at eight" Yeonjun yelled as he started running off
"No DONT come" Laila yelled to him

'Is he serious. Why is he doing this. Is he using me. Out of all the girls why'd he choose me ughhhhh now I have to buy a nice dress. Oh shut up Laila as if he will actually even show up.' Laila thought to herself

Afeefa walking through the Hallways she noticed Jake standing by her locker. Afeefa quickly turned around not wanting to talk to Jake. As she was still mad at him. Jake didn't follow Afeefa or even apologize in the past 24 hours.

'What's his problem he's supposed to follow me. Apologize. Does he really not care. Is he going to break up with me. Does he really love that Jennie girl.' Afeefa thought to herself as she got teary eyed and walked to her next class.

Meanwhile in college Sana and Farwa get out of the car and start walking.
"Hey is everything alright you seem a bit off" Sana asked Farwa
"Huh?" Farwa said not really paying attention
"What's on your mind talk to me" sana said
"Oh it's nothing really I'm just thinking about Jeonghan that's it." Farwa said
"Don't you see him all the time why do you look stressed now.Is everything Ok between you two?" Sana asked concerened
"Yea everything is fine we just need to talk about some stuff" Farwa said
"Okay" Sana said
As the continued to walk Beomgyu approaches them
"I'll catch up with you later" Farwa said letting Sana and Beomgyu be alone

"Hey, so I have a plan for today okay so I'll pick you up at five for our date alright." Beomgyu said really fast to Sana
"Uhhhhh I can't go at five I have to be at a family dinner ball by eight which means I have to get ready." Sana said
"Oh" Beomgyu said as he paused and looked disappointed
"Okay then get ready after school and I'll pick you up and you will be back in time to get ready" Beomgyu said with a smile on his face
"Okay, I'll be ready" Sana said blushing
"Let me walk you to class" Beomgyu said to Sana
As he held her hand and walked her to class making small conversation on the way.

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