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Trigger warning: toxic relationship, over possessive Bright, harsh behaviour
This oneshot is simply my imagination and has no context to real life.

Win came back to the apartment where he lived with Bright together. Today it was one of his close friends birthday and he went out with them for a celebration.

Bright and Win have been dating for 2 years and their relationship has become a bit toxic over the time. It all started when Bright started acting super possessive of Win.

He used to fight with people who acted friendly with him and even warned them to stay away from Win. As soon as Win entered the apartment, he got startled to see Bright standing at the door with an angry expression
“Why are you so late?” Bright practically shouted

“What the hell Bright? Why are you shouting? I told you right that it is my friend’s birthday so we all were celebrating and I didn’t realize how much time went by that’s why I got a bit late” Win said patiently

“Ohh so now I can’t be even concerned about your safety, is that what you are saying huh. I shouldn’t have allowed you to go at first place, it is my fault only’” Bright said in a frustrated voice and ran his hand through his hair

“Allowed? Like really? Are you even listening to yourself right no-
“YES! ALLOWED! do you really think I didn’t see the photos of you and your so called friends, you think I am a fool Win, I keep a watch on all your actions so don’t you dare think you can hide anything from me” Bright raised his voice

“W-What rubbish are you saying Bright? How can you even say this? Lord I really don’t want to talk to you right now when you are not realising what nonsense are you uttering!” Win snapped and was about to go when bright held his wrist tightly and pinned Win to the wall

“Where the hell do you think you are going, I am not done here!”
‘’B-Bright leave my hand, you are hurting me’’
‘’No! I won’t, You are saying I am hurting you but what about the way you hurt me huh, tell me!" He banged his hand on the wall.Win shut his eyes tightly as he was fearing Bright’s reaction. He didn’t want to provoke him more so he tried to not panic

Win was about to remove the tight grip of Bright’s hand when bright caught his other hand and pinned it too
Bright held both of Win’s wrists in his one big hand and fetched his phone out, “You see this picture Win, this what I am talking about, how do you expect me to react after seeing this” he yelled

It was a picture of Win with a girl, where the girl was side hugging Win.

“She is just a friend of mine and we met after so long so she just got a bit excited that’s it,there is nothing else” he said in a tired voice
He tightened his grip on Win’s wrist “A-Ahh B-Bright please leave me now it is hurting” tears were  forming in his eyes as he was starting to get scared from Bright’s behaviour
ignoring Win’s plead Bright said “You know right, I don’t like seeing you getting close with someone else then why the fuck did you get this picture clicked?” He growled and shoved his phone in his pocket

Now Win was on the verge of losing his patience, he was not able to understand this behaviour of Bright. They were dating each other for the past 2 years and still Bright was doubting him and not trusting him. “Bright for god’s sake stop this behaviour now! How can you doubt me? We have been dating for past 2 years and still you don’t trust me, how dare you!"

Win now lost control on his words and just laid down whatever he wanted to say to him from the beginning “I am done with you now, Y-You can’t control me like this, I-I too have a life of my own. I never asked you to stay away from your friends or anyone because I understand you but now I am realizing that you don’t, neither you trust me nor you understand me and I-I am afraid that w-we can’t live like this anymore." Win said in a hushed voice as he was feeling terrified of Bright’s next reaction
Bright came closer to win and asked him in a low dangerous voice while staring deep into his eyes “What do you mean by this? You want to break up with me?”
Win mustered up all courage and nodded “what else do you think I mean, I really can’t live a life like this anymore where I am in a constant fear that how will you react if I just simply even talk to someo……”
Bright cut off Win by holding his jaw tightly and said in a dangerous husky voice “you really are naive if you think I am ever gonna let you break up with me, YOU ARE MINE ONLY MINE AND I WILL NEVER LET ANYONE COME BETWEEN US, GOT THAT!”
And the tears which were threatening to come from win’s eyes finally dropped
“Ohh now you are crying, what kind of drama you think you are doing haa, you know what Win I love you so fucking much that” bright got closer to his face and whispered “I won’t mind making that person's life a living hell who tries to separate you from me even if that person is you” Win widened his eyes as he couldn’t believe that bright was saying all this

Bright smirked and smashed his lips onto Win’s while holding his jaw, biting his bottom lip
Win was struggling hard to get away from him but failed due to Bright’s strength and streams of tears were dropping from his eyes because now he was feeling trapped as if his life was not his anymore

After forcefully kissing win for few minutes bright loosened his grip on him. Win felt his knees getting weak and he slumped down on the floor, sobbing, bringing his knees near to his chest.

Bright left win crying there and went to their room
Win was crying hard as he still could not believe that bright, his bright would treat him like this. It simply seemed to be nightmare but unfortunately it was the reality.

Hey all!!! so as my college started I am  hardly getting time to do anything apart from attending classes and studying soo here's my random bw inshot as I keep imaging different stories of brightwin and I love my boyss a Lil too much. I  have written the next chapter of my story hardest goodbye partly so hopefully will update soon!

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