Not all endings are happy-3

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Bright's heart was beating franatically. He was afraid of Win's reaction since it has been quite long that they have normally "talked" to each other. Everyday was about fights or arguments.

Win removed Bright's hand from his waist gently and turned around to face him. "You are right, no amount of sorrys can fix what happened today. Bright, both of us are at fault. W-we are so busy in our work lives that we don't even know how is our daughter doing?! I mean whether she is fine or not."

"But what happened suddenly, she wqs okay the other day"

"How much time have you been spending with her to know whether she is okay or not?! You are never at home. Even in the morning she finds you asleep whenever she leaves for school.Do you know just yesterday only she asked me that, are you angry at her because you don't spend time with her anymore. Whenever she calls you, you hang up saying you are in a meeting!!" Win said in an angry tone.

Now tell me Bright, what should I tell our daughter, when I myself have no idea what's going on in your life or why are you so busy. Do you even remember when was the last time, we had a normal conversation or let alone spent time with each other?!?!?
No because you are too busy to come back home to me and light. Because your work has become your priority, because you have forgotten that.....

"No! It's not like that Win!" Bright yelled cutting off him
"I have not forgotten that I am married and I have a daughter. If I had forgotten that ,I wouldn't have been working day and night like crazy to fulfill our needs. So you don't have the right to say that to me!"

"Bright, I am also working like you but I know my priorities ,I know that I have to go back home to light and you but you just can't set your priorities right ! And you are talking about our needs? Do you even know what we want anymore? We don't want anything but you Bright! Light and I, both of us need you, but no you don't come home anymore because for you your work is more important, and now I am not sure whether it is even about work or...." Win stopped and looked at Bright,
Bright immediately grabbed Win's elbow and brought him close

"Or what Win, what do you mean huh? You think I am cheating, like really, shit like that has been going on in your mind!!! Tell me!!" Bright yelled and tightened his hold on Win, win winced in pain "Bright! you are hurting me!"
Win just let out what he has been feeling for weeks, his buried feelings, the thoughts that bright doesn't want Win or their marriage anymore, that he is done with it. The fear that bright has found something or rather someone more happening.

"And what are you doing right now?!?! Isn't that hurting me! Answer me now!!!!"

"Yes! I have been thinking like that, you know why because, you don't look at me the way you used to. You make me feel as if I am not good enough for you, that I, this marriage is just a burden for you. Infact I don't even know how to be in this marriage anymore. Everyday I am afraid of the fact that you will tell me that you don't want this anymore and we would have to go separate ways. Win said in a hushed tone and looked at Bright's shocked face

"Are you happy , now that you got your answer? Have you realised that our marriage is not working out anymore, because I have!! " Win shouted and with that he yanked his arm out of Bright's grip and rushed to their room.

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