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I BLASTED CHRISTMAS music from my Christmas Music playlist as Teddy groaned as Kate and I were dancing starting to bake the cookies.  "Stop being such a grinch." I said boping my head as I mixed the icing. 

"You know, dad would have loved Rox if he was still here, like you both like the same Christmas music and the same teams, and the same colours!" Kate exclaimed happily. "Sorry." She said as she saw Teddy's expression. I looked at him in worry. He just rolled his eyes and put on his Jacket and Hat. 

"You can't leave now- your mom said-" Teddy just slammed the door angrily as he left with his skateboard. In the middle of winter? Weird. 

I look at Kate sadly. "I'll go talk to him. You keep singing and decorating. Remember-" 

"Not to open the door for anyone even Santa, I know now go talk to my brother." She said smiling. I hug her and ran out the door after putting my boots on. Oh my gosh its freezing I should have brought a jacket. I mumble to my self. I hug my self to keep me warm walking around as I look for Teddy on the dark streets with Christmas decorations. 

"T-Teddy?" I managed to let out. I spot him sitting on a bench with his wanna be gangster friends and frown. I don't want to embarrass him and make him hate me even more... But I want him to be safe too. 

I sigh slowly walking up to them shivering. "Teddy?" I whisper as I stood in-front of the group.

"Woah who's this hottie." One of his friends asked me making me feel un conferrable. 

"My- My girlfriend. Rox what are you doing here- Wheres your jacket it's freezing!" He yelled making me look down. "Sorry I'll go." I say knowing he did not want to say that in front of his friends. 

"Awe looks like he's got soft wait- I thought that you were with Skylar?" The second boy says confused drinking his beer or whatever. My eyes widen. "S-Skylar as in Skylar McAdams-" I say knowing that she was the girl who was after me for being friends with Teddy. I gasped knowing that she would kill me if she saw me her and Ran off to Kate to help her with the cookies. 

Babysitter - Teddy Pierce x OCWhere stories live. Discover now