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The next morning. The Pierce's mother still hasn't arrived. Roxy and Teddy were both lying in a cuddling position as Teddy's face was nuzzled into Roxy's Neck and his arms were wrapped around her waist as she did the same to him and the both of them were not realizing it. Katie snuck in taking a few pictures on her Polaroid camera which made a noise earning a groan from Teddy. 

Katie gasped quickly running out of the room. 

"5 more minuets." Roxy muttered holding on to Teddy. But then quickly realizing that she was holding onto something. Teddy. She then pushed him away facing the other side remembering that she was mad at the Pierce boy. Teddy frowned confused as to why she was mad at him.

"Rox-" He started but she scoffed at him. "You cant call me that. Go hug Skylar or something. Isn't she your girlfriend?" Rox said hurt at the fact that he would like someone that made her life a living hell at school. 

"What-no Roxy Skylar and I were never a thing- hell I dont even talk to her. My friends were just being their drunk friends so they could get u on their side." Teddy said rolling me over to his side. 

"Promise?" Roxy asked in a whisper tone and Teddy whispered back a promise before closing the small gap off with a gentle kiss. The kiss lasted for about 30 seconds after Teddy placed a hand under the back of Roxy's shirt gently rubbing her back but before the two could do  anything  Katie came into the room squealing about presents and mom being downstairs and runs back downstairs making Teddy groan annoyed. Roxy just giggled kissing his lips one last time and running downstairs while he chased her. 

Babysitter - Teddy Pierce x OCWhere stories live. Discover now