Chapter 1: Missing

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It's a cloudy day I sit in my room reading a mystery novel. It's the last day of summer vacation and school starts stars again tomorrow. I am not looking forward to seeing the words "Lakeside High School" before I enter the school.  The only thing I am looking forward to is seeing my bestfriends Lola and Emily.

I am especially excited to Emily since I haven't talked to her much over the summer vacation. The last I heard from her was about three weeks ago when Lola, Emily and I were all hanging out at Lakeside mall. Emily was really happy and excited to tell us about a boy she stated seeing.

She didn't say much about him other than that she really liked him and would keep us updated, but that was three weeks ago. 'Ding'  my phone is going off. I assume someone messaged me so I put my book down and grab my phone. It was a text from Emily I was both surprised and happy just to hear from her.

Emily: Can we talk at school tomorrow?

Me: Sure of course

I wondered if I should ask her where she's been but I just thought she would tell me tomorrow.

The Next Day

"Clara! wake up otherwise you'll be late on your first day!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. That's right that's me Clara Wright I'm sixteen and today is the first day school. Another year I'm not looking forward to.

I decide I should probably, get up so I get up from my bed and start getting ready for school. I decided to wear plain white shirt, jeans, a cardigan and my black and white converse.

I pick up my phone from my under my pillow and put in in my back pocket. I then walk towards my desk grab my backpack from my desk chair put my laptop into my backpack and notebooks into my backpack.

I put my backpack on one of my shoulders. I see the mystery novel I was reading last night sitting on my desk . "Can't forget this." I say then grab it and head to the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetie." Mom says to me when I enter the kitchen.

"Morning Mom" I say to her back as I sit at the dining table. I put my backpack down on the ground and my novel on the table. I grab some toast and put some butter on my toast.

"Is that all you want for breakfast?" Mom asked me.

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry this morning Mom." I reply to her.

"Are you sure? I can make some eggs for you." That's my mom for you always persistent. "Yes, Mom I'm fine.

"Look Clara I know it's been hard ever since your Father and I separated, but-" I cut her off before she continues on.

"Mom, stop Dad was the one who chose to take off and him alone made that choice." I get up grab my backpack put my novel into it zip it back up and put it on.

"Dad wants nothing to do with us, so I'll grant his wish."

"Clara, he still wants to be in your life." Mom says trying convince me.

"At least think about calling me back." I know my Mom means well, but I still don't think I can trust my Dad.

"There's nothing to think about, I'm off to school bye Mom." I say as I walk to the door and leave for school. I see Mom stand on the porch and yell

"have a good day, see you later." I don't reply back and just keep walking. I put my earphones and start listening to music. I walk to school everyday since it's not far. it's only a ten minute walk for my house. I then text Lola and Emily asking where to meet.

Me: Where should we meet?       

Lola: Meet at our lockers!   

Me: Ok sounds good

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