Chapter 7: Path Through The Forest

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"Clara" I hear a familiar voice call my name. I open my eyes when I look up I see Griffin. Lola looks at me smiling. Then I realize that my head is on Griffin's shoulder I quickly sit and grab my backpack.

"When did you guys get here?" Lola laughs.

"Just now" Lola continues to laugh.

"Great well would you look at the time, I really should get going" I start quickly to get away from the group.

"Want a ride?" Lola asks.

"No, thanks I'm good I'll walk" I reply still walking fast. There's a park not far from here. The park is surrounded by a forest where there is a path that takes me to my street. I start running to get away from them faster. As I get to the park and I don't see any kids around.

Of course, the kids are not at the park it's almost 7 pm not many kids are out by themselves by this time. But, doesn't mean there aren't people at the park. I see Griffin's stupid friends Chase and Jax.

Oh, just my luck as if this day couldn't become any worse it becomes even worse. Maybe they won't notice me, all I have to do is walk fast. I start walking fast towards the forest.

"Well look who it is," Chase says out loud so his friends can hear. He then stands in front of me. This is exactly what I was afraid of.

"It's the girl who stole our friend." Jax then joins Chase and stands in front of me. The rest of them don't seem to really care but don't say anything.

"Look I don't have time for this I have to get home," I say making sure they know I'm in a hurry. I walk past them. But Chase stands in front of me and Jax grabs my arms so I can't move.

"Get off!" I say. Chase just laughs "no," he says staring at me with his sharp eyes.

I decided I'm going to have to save myself from this situation.

"Fine," I say as I kick Chase in the stomach and stomp on Jax's foot. "Ow," he says in pain. I take my backpack and hit Jax in the face. I quickly run into the forest and leave my backpack behind. I instantly regret my decision, what if they take my stuff?

I quickly find somewhere to hide as I know I won't be able to outrun them. I find a place to hide away in some bushes.

"Clara! Where are you?" I hear Chase say in his creepy voice.

"Hey, chase!" I hear Griffin scream. I feel somewhat relieved to hear his voice. I can't see anything, but I hear footsteps.

"Well look who it is," Chase says.

"Stop this, why are you doing this?" Chase laughs.

"You left us for some girl and you're asking me why I'm doing this!" Chase was now yelling. I try to move slowly and quietly to see if I can see what is going on.

I accidentally step on a stick.

"Just great" I whisper.

"Leave her alone Chase" Griffin warns.

"Or what?" Chase says back.

"Or you'll have to deal with me," Griffin says back.

How dumb is he! Why would he say that!

"Psst whatever, I don't have time for this."

I hear footsteps walking farther away from the forest. I get up and hopefully, it's safe and not a trap.

I get up from my hiding spot turning around and looking around.

"Geez, you scared me!" It's just Griffin.

"That's why you don't run away," he says. I just look down.

"Here," Griffin gives me my backpack.

"Thanks," I say as I put it on.

"Hey," Griffin says. "Yeah?" I reply.

"I'm walking you home, I don't wanna hear any objections, also are you ok?" Griffin asks sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I reassure him.

"Are you afraid to look at people or something?" He asks me.

"No, why?" I ask him.

"You never look at me," he says.

"Oh, that's because you stare at me weird," I say as I start walking off.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Griffin says as he walks by me.

"You stare at me too long and look into my eyes it's weird," I say trying to explain to him.

"Wait," he says, so I stop walking for a moment.

"I do that because I like you" everything is silent for a moment I can hear the sound of woodpeckers.

"Yeah, ok people don't do that when they like someone," I say as I start to walk away. Griffin grabs my arm and hugs me.

"I like you, Clara, I've always liked you" I didn't know what to say to him.

He breaks our hug. "Sorry, this isn't the way I should've told you." He says as he starts walking up the path.

I understand him and what he's trying to say I just didn't expect it. I start walking behind him it was silent none of us spoke to each other. I didn't know what to say or if I should just not say anything. I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

I kept my eyes on him hoping he wouldn't turn around. Then he stopped walking I realized we were on my street. My house was down the street so I still had some more walking to do.

"Go ahead I'll watch from here to make sure you make it home okay."

I walked passed him without looking at him, but then stopped, I turned to face him.

"Griffin" he grabs my hand.

"No, don't, just don't say anything right now, let's talk tomorrow."

He then lets go of my hand, he smiles at me and says, "get home safe."

I then turn around and start walking home it takes less than a minute to get to my house. As I walk onto my porch I turn around to see if he is still there. I see he's still there so give him a thumbs-up, and smile to show him I've made it home.

I put my key on the door, but before I open the door I turn around one more time only to see that he's no longer standing there.

I open the door and go inside my house. I notice that it's quiet. I see a note on the kitchen counter. As I suspected Mom's working late again.

I walk down the hall to my room and close the door. I put my backpack down near my desk and lay down on my bed and think about Griffin. Then I think to myself Do I like Griffin Jones?

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