A Wish For A Perfect Day

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Ello chaps! ^-^ Hehe, I'm trying to be British... I wish :P Lol! Anywho! Happy reading my Peanuts! Ha, I just called my readers peanuts :P No offense :)) Read along! :D 


I was granted one wish, a day of perfection. My wish will start tomorrow and end at midnight. I paced back and forth, stressing on how I would spend that day. I felt anxious and excited. My emotions are mixed. I don't know how else I can spend this day. What if it's not enough? Time passes by fast when you're having fun. Surely, I'll be happy,  but what will happen after that one perfect day? 

Just spend the day, nothing bad will happen, I thought to myself. Yes, nothing. But how? How can I satisfy everyone? I know I will be content, but what about the others? Sure, it will turn out to be my perfect day, but what if it turns out to be the worse for the others? 

Do you just want to spend it with that special someone? I thought again. But then I realized that would just be lonely. I want to be with a lot of people on my special day. So I thought, Just a simple gathering then. My favorite Aunts and Uncles, my closest friends, my grandparents, and my special person. It will just be a simple get-together with the closest people in my life. 


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, and I couldn't get any happier. Usually, I would be annoyed to that sound, but today, I've never been more excited to hear it. This is the start of my one and only perfect day, Friday, April 23, 2013. 

I chose a simple outfit, a yellow summer dress with my yellow pumps. Last night, I texted three of my closest friends, my Aunt Sarah and my Uncle Matt, my grandparents, and of course, my parents, the time and the place of the gathering. To my surprise, they all said yes. 

"This is it, my perfect day," I said. grabbing my stuffs from the back seat. 

"So this is where it will happen? What a nice place, Alessia. Are you ready?" Gabriel asked. He's the one that granted me the wish. He's my Guardian Angel. 

"Yes, I'm ready! I'm just so excited. For the first time in my life, I can't think of anything that can go wrong. Hell, I don't even remember my problems!" A big smile was plastered on my face. 

"Good, good. Exactly as planned. I will go set everything up, just sit tight and relax," I can also see excitement on Gabriel's face. Gabriel and I got out of the car and walked over to the desserted place in the middle of nowhere. At first, it was completely blank and then Gabriel snapped his fingers and the environment changed. Suddenly, a beach appeared, producing beautiful wave sounds. A very long table appeared with everyone's favorite food and drinks on it. Round tables popped up with beautiful curved leather upholstered chairs around them. Fireworks lit up the sky, creating a beautiful scenery above. The weather turned from chilly to perfect. 

"Wow, it's beautiful," I said in awe. 

"Yes, exactly as you pictured it in your head. Now, go on and have your perfect day," Gabriel said with a kind smile on his face. I remembered the day he first visited me, a day I will never forget. 

"Thank you," I whispered with a tear falling from my eye. It's a tear of joy and I just can't wait till everyone arrives. 

"You deserve it, Alessia. I must go on now, I'll let have your privacy, I'll see you soon," Gabriel said softly. He's the best Guardian Angel and I'm lucky he's my Guardian. I looked to his direction to return a smile, but he was already gone. 

"Ally! Oh my God! This place is amazing! How the hell did you find this place? It's the best!" Erin exclaimed. She has been my bestfriend since birth, but truth be told, I haven't seen her in forever. Well, that's the suckish part of being an adult, it's mostly about work and bills, and only a short time to spend with your friends. 

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