Chapter 1

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Julian Tom Riddle was the son of Jane Riddle, a loving and caring woman. She was cast away at birth and landed in a orphanage in the countryside. She became a florist when she turned 16 and was kicked out of an orphanage and from their she met a man named Tom riddle and fell in love, eventually having Julian however their happy family didn't last for long as Tom suddenly left them when Julian was three. He claimed he had important duties to perform and would come back as soon as he could. He didn't. While julian had given up hope about his father returning, Jane would often day dream about him coming back while sitting at the window looking out into the picturesque landscape that surrounded the family home.

Around the house was little reminders of Tom, one particular thing was the libary room which was filled to the brim of books. However there was one thing that Julian, now seventeen, had become interested in the books about magic. Both Jane and him knew about Tom being a wizard and so Julian longed to learn about magic. He loved reading and it was the only thing in life he truly enjoyed.

His mother always said he looked like his father but took her colour pallet. Julian was six foot one and had a lean face with high cheekbones as well as a sharp jawline just like his father however he took his mothers tanned skin, pitch black eyes and wavy brown hair. His personality, like his looks, was a combination of both Jane and Tom. Julian was stubborn and cold to most people but was the biggest softy for people close to him (which was just his mother because they could never afford school,) and could never hurt a living thing. He had inherited his mothers love for flowers and nature and spent his days wondering the forests near his home looking for different herbs and plants to use as medicine. For the past years since he turned 11 his mother and him had began doing month long hikes up different mountains in italy, chile and the usa. This lead to Julians love of physical activities.

"JUJU! A LETTER ARRIVED FOR YOU!" Jane called up the stairs to get the attention of her son.


After a few minutes Julaian came down the frail spiral staircase and headed to the main room. His mother was sitting on a chair next to the dinning table shaking.

"Mum? Hey whats wrong? Why are you shaking?" He questioned as he immediately went towards her and cupped her hands in his own.

"Im so angry juju. This letter should of come when you were eleven! How dare they!" She was now crying.

"What are you talking about? You mean hogwarts?" This was a school he read about in countless books.

"Yes... but your seventeen! Why has it come so late..."

"Lets read it first shall we?" He calmed her down with a soft smile he only gave to his mother.



Headmaster: Albus dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First class, Grand sorc.., Chf Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed, of Wizards)

Dear Mr Riddle,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts Sxhool of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1st. I will make a visit to your house to explain your situation.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva Mcgonagall
Deputy headmistress

They were both speechless. They both stared at the letter a few times more before turning away and closing it back into the envelope.

"I dont know what to say... this feels like a dream." Julian whispered finally, breaking the tension.

"Well i am glad you are able to learn properly rather than reading books by yourself."

"Mum im sure i know more than most wizards i just haven't out them into practice, i only have knowledge on them. Its the only thing im thankful dad did."

Jane looked up at her son hurt, not angry and him but sad that he was right. The memories of Tom were fading but she still felt all the emotions of love and happiness like it was yesterday. However for Julian he didnt have many memories that he could still picture in his mind. But she could still tell as much as he insulted him and sweared he hated him, Julian still missed and loved his father no matter what.

"Come on Juju, its getting late you should go to bed." He complied and started walking up the stairs.

"And dont stay up all night reading!" She called out.

To be continued.

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