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verb ~ to go away from

Once dry from the intense shower, we lay cuddling in bed watching the television. I was curled up into Phoenix's side, but his arm draped along the length of my shoulders. It was calm, peaceful and everything I wanted. Tomorrow was inevitable and I knew it was going to be hard being gone for so long without him.

His hand tightened its hold me, as though he was thinking the same. I sighed, leaning further into his bare chest as the movie played out in front of us. I wasn't really watching it, my eyes on the screen but my mind was stuck in the sadness of my departure.

"You're going to be fine." Phoenix's voice mumbled, his voice a comforting lullaby.

His lips came to kiss upon my head, the only comfort I needed. Eventually, I must've fallen asleep, and slept soundly without any dreams, for the next thing I remember was waking up to the sound of my alarm.

I shifted, finding myself facing the window, Phoenix's body pressed against mine. His hand was heavy and warm around my hips and I felt him grumble as my movements disturbed him. Despite not being a morning person, I found myself wide awake today.

"Good morning," I muttered, rolling around to face him.

His eyes creaked open, heavy with sleep. He smiled softly at me, his hair disarray from sleep.

"Morning baby."

I shuddered at the sound of his morning voice and he leaned to kiss me gently on the nose. I watched as he groaned, pulling himself up to sit and stretch his arms over his head. Legs hanging over the side of the mattress, his hands gripped at the edge as he prepped himself for the day ahead.

"How did you sleep?" I wondered.

His head turned, to peak at me over his shoulder. "Not great. I couldn't settle down. How about you? When I was awake you seemed peaceful."

I grimaced, "I slept okay for a change."

He chuckled, running a hand down his face. "That's one good thing out of it then."

We got ready for the day in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the tap running ever so often. I dressed in comfortable clothes, knowing I had all day stuck in a car. I groaned when the reality settled in; I was going to be stuck in a car for eleven hours.

"You okay?" Phoenix chuckled as we descended the stairs.

I nodded, "Just realised how long the car journey is going to be."

He smiled at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder in comfort. "There's always headphones."

We laughed, hitting the bottom step at the same time. Making our way to the kitchen was bittersweet, not many wolves were around since it was seven in the morning on a Sunday. I was too nervous to eat and didn't want to consume food on such a queasy stomach. I sat at the island whilst Phoenix made us both a coffee, my hands on my chin as I watched the way he moved. It felt like I was going away forever, but in fact, it was only a month or so. I truly did wonder how I would feel being so far away.

Once the hot mug of coffee was before me, I hugged it with my hands. Phoenix stood beside me, an eyebrow quirking as he drank from his own. I shrugged at him, about to answer when the doors swung open and Charlie walked in, my twin not far behind him.

Charlie, awake as ever, had a huge smile on his face. "There's my favourite Alpha pair."

I rolled my eyes. "We are your only Alpha pair."

He shrugged. "I could prefer some other Alpha pair. Maybe Alpha Demetrius."

He snickered to himself, ignoring the distasteful look Phoenix sent him and going to make himself a drink. Pollux was silently watching the exchange, his hands clasped behind his back as he rocked on his feet. His green eyes moved to mine, catching my gaze. I gave him a small smile and he returned it, coming to sit beside me.

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