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They were watching him, he couldn't see it but they were. No doubt to figure out what to do with him. He felt naked without his mask on. At least they let him keep his coin. He flipped it around his fingers, the metal soothing to his rough hands. His eyes stuck to the one way mirror, not to see past it but to see his reflection. He looked old and tired for his age. Red hair falling past his shoulders, eyes dull and aged around the sides. Skin riddled with scars that he long ago forgot how he'd gotten them. The scars on his hands, though, he remembered clearly. Nothing erased that night. Not for the lack of trying, though he avoided drugs and liquor. Smoking helped just as much as writing. Though the heroes had taken that from him too. He wondered if they had found his apartment by now. It was more than likely, Tony Stark could find anyone or anything. So long as he put his mind to it. Haytham snorted softly. He wondered if Peter had tried to get his dad involved after his disappearance.

Haytham was pulled from his thoughts by the door opening. In stepped a red headed woman with a blonde headed male right behind her. Haytham sighed shakily and tuned the world out as best he could before the world started spiraling out of control. He didn't need to have another panic attack again. The woman sat in front of him and quietly waited for him to tune back into the world. When Haytham looked up, his breathing hitched and his eyes widened. The woman before him looked almost identical to his birth mother. She looked at him blankly. Haytham decided that it was only looks that the two matched with. His birth mother never cared for him. His mother figure wasn't with the living anymore either so, he schooled his expression into a similar blankness. "Haytham Miles. Born January 13th, 2003. All though no info from before the age of five, you were found on the steps of an orphanage one night when you were five. No trouble until seventeen, your home burned to the ground and then you go missing. Kind of suspicious don't you think, Kid?" The blonde man finally spoke from beside him. Haytham didn't say a word.

The red head in front of him blinked and he tilted his head slowly. Mimicking how his dad once did his own head tilt. Both adults watched silently as he looked at the woman. "You look familiar. Sorry if this is a little odd, but, did you happen to have a sister by any chance?" Haytham finally asked, his voice was deep and hoarse. The woman jerked and her breathing hitched. "I ask because you remind me of my birth mother. She had the same red hair and green eyes as you. At least from what I remember of course." Haytham let his expression become dark. "After my fourth birthday I never really saw her much. Saw her less than I saw my dad, actually. And I only saw him one or two times a month. That's if he was busy working." He could see the cracks in her mask starting to form. She did know something, she just wasn't going to share it with him. "But, I'm rambling. Not really giving you time to talk. Do you have a sister?" He looked at her and flipped his coin. The red head in front of him sighed shakily and looked at the blonde, Haytham looked at him too. The blonde man was looking at him as if he had two heads. "What? I have something on my face?" Haytham asked and started messing with his face, pretending to try and clean it.

The red head stood abruptly and left the room. The blonde stayed. Haytham snorted. "Guess that would be a no. And to answer your previous question, I had evidence in my bag to prove otherwise. Guess you lot are more stupid than I thought you were. Maybe I should ask Stark. Maybe he could find the info." Haytham knew he was pressing buttons, the expression on the other man's face proved that. But he didn't care, his families' killer was free and he would be thrown into the deepest darkest hole on Earth for the rest of his life for a crime he didn't commit on top of the ones he did. He sighed with resignation deep in his soul. He hoped his mom and sister could forgive him for not finding their killer sooner. He hoped they could forgive him for trying to find them the way he was. But, Haytham mused, he hopes for a lot of things that are not likely to happen. "Haytham, we did look through the bag. And yes there is evidence to prove you weren't responsible. But that doesn't change that you murdered four other people. Plus the one we found three days ago with Spider-Man's help. I need you to be honest with me." The blonde moved to sit in front of Haytham. Getting the teen to look him in the eyes. "If we had left you alone to keep killing, would you have done it after you found your families' killers?" He asked and Haytham shook his head.

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