At the Liberty

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Zoe raced over to the Liberty to watch Kitty Section rehearsals. She enjoyed their music and loved hanging out with the group afterwards to chat. When she got there she seemed to be the first one there.

Luka was on deck with his guitar.

'Hey Zoe' he smiled. 'You're here early!'

'I am?' Zoe replied in surprise. 'I thought rehearsals started at 1?'

'Nope, 2' Luka smiled.

'Oh' Zoe replied. 'I don't know why I had 1 in my head. I can come back later if you're busy'

'No, that's okay. We don't really get a chance to talk much just the two of us. It would be a good chance for us to get to know each other better. If you're okay with that' Luka smiled warmly at her.

'Sure' Zoe replied nervously, as she twiddled her fingers. She wasn't sure how much of her past she wanted to share. Luka picked up on that.

'You don't have to tell me anything if you're not comfortable Zoe' Luka said as she sat down next to him. 'I know moving to a new place can be scary, but I want you to know that you can count on our support whenever you need it. Everyone loves you here.'

Zoe smiled. 'Thank you so much Luka. You and everyone have been so welcoming to me ever since I arrived here in Paris. Thank you for making me feel at ease and allowing me to be myself.'

'You don't have to be anyone else but yourself here Zoe' Luka smiled warmly. She blushed.

They talked about their ambitions for the future, Zoe wanting to be an actress and Luka wanting to make stringed instruments and teach others how to make them.

Meanwhile Chloe was at the hotel thinking to herself.

'Ugh, I can't believe what a goody two shoes my half sister is. I'm ashamed to share half my genes with her. And now all of Dupein-Chang's goody two shoes friends have got her feeling more accepted than ever. That is unacceptable, utterly unacceptable! I want her feeling completely miserable here so she'll be begging to go back to that boarding school in New York!'

Gabriel meanwhile was talking to Nathalie. She told him she was working on a plan to use a sentimonster to collect negative emotions to create a mega akuma that even Ladybug and Cat Noir can't defeat.

'It uses tears to get the negative emotions power. It can digitize them and send them to us in real time. Even if Ladybug and Cat Noir destroy the sentimonster, the negative power will have already been collected.'

'Excellent plan Nathalie. I look forward to it being a success. Nooroo, Dusuu, dual metamorphosis!'

He transforms into Shadowmoth as his window opens. 'Ah, Chloe Bourgeois, she never ceases to dissapoint me. Go my little akuma and amuck, and evilize her!' he cries as they flutter and float out of the window.

Chloe was looking out on the rooftop area of the hotel. She saw the amuck and akuma coming towards her. She smiled.

'Yes Shadowmoth, let me be your pawn!' Chloe smirked as the akuma and amuck landed on her sunglasses.

'Punisher!' Shadowmoth said. 'You know who I am, now let me tell you what I want! I am going to give you the power to collect negative energy by forcing people to tell you their painful past memories. All you collect will be transferred to me straight away. If however you manage to get me Ladybug and Cat Noirs miraculous that would be a welcome surprise as well. Do we have a deal Punisher?'

'I know just who will fuel your negative energy to the brim Shadowmoth!' Chloe laughed as she was transformed. 'And I know just where she'll be too, hanging out with those goody goodies on that wretched boat!' She leapt away.

Punisher - A LukaZoe Miraculous Ladybug Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now