Chloe and Zoe Reconciled

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Zoe went inside the hotel and found Chloe.

'Sis, can we talk?' Zoe asked. Chloe looked like she'd been crying. 'Sure' she replied.

'I know that you think that I'm the favourite child or something but believe me, that couldn't be further from the truth' Zoe told her. 'Mom never wanted anything to do with me. That's why she sent me to boarding school to have as little interaction with me as possible. I really think I was a mistake to her. I even heard her at my dad's funeral say to someone: How dare he pass away and leave me with this memory of my past?  She's not staying with me, I'll make sure of that.'

'Oh sis, I'm so sorry! I didn't know!' Chloe said as she hugged her. 'It was the same with me, she was always on business trips in New York and I hardly ever got to see her growing up. My only friend was this bear daddy got me. He said to hug my bear whenever I miss her.'

'Oh Chloe. We have more in common than you think! I have that same bear from my dad, only mine's blue'

She reached in her bag and pulled out a blue bear.

'I take him everywhere with me and hug him whenever I miss my dad or our mother.'

Chloe put her yellow bear next to Zoe's and immediately the bears held hands. Chloe and Zoe gasped and looked at each other and smiled.

'There must be magnets in their paws!' Chloe giggled.

'Or let's just call it magic!' Zoe replied with a smile.

'That sounds better!' Chloe replied as they hugged. 'That violin music was beautiful. I can't believe how powerful music really is!'

'It really was, wasn't it? The way Luka plays really speaks to your heart. I'm so glad it helped you feel better Chloe!' Zoe smiled.

'Can you...stay in my room tonight sis? We have a lot to catch up on' Chloe asked with a smile.

'Of course sis! I couldn't be happier to hear you say that!' Zoe smiled.

Ever since then Chloe and Zoe have grown closer together and did lots of things together. Zoe taught Chloe how to be nicer, even to Sabrina, who was shocked realising what being a best friend actually meant. Everyone loved the new Chloe and her attitude in life had made a complete U-turn. Zoe and Chloe decided that they didn't need their mother's love or approval, as long as they had each other to talk to and confide in.

Also Zoe and Luka went out every chance they could get and had ice-cream and went ice skating and had picnics in the park. And they were happy.


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