[ 4 ]

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[a.n] : a short chapter for a big build up on the next one! you'll be meeting a new character and probably the autobots!!! don't forget to vote <3




previously on "just a punch", brought to you by caped baldy in hiding : Oblivious to the ascending dread, the presence of two gloved hands that loomed above you, the fingers flexed eagerly as if you were some sacred treasure and swung down in a split second with a hood over your head.

Everything went dark.
[ present ]


"Did the lights went out, or am I dead?" You think as the hood is placed over your head, still clutching your cards, however the perpetrator appears to be struggling.

He's definitely struggling. Fucking hell, she's like a brick wall!

He needs a raise, since when did his kidnapping skills deteriorate? The man attempted to tighten the zipper by yanking, pulling, and even pressing his feet against your back as leverage, but it didn't work? For fuck's sake, why won't the damn thing choke you?!

"Uh...hello? "You ask, but there was no response. "Er, sir?" Assaulting random people on the street isn't okay...

He fell to the ground, panting, huffing, wiping the murky sweat from his brow. Right, let's not forget his life was on the line here. He was perplexed by Silas's request to kidnap a nine-teen year old girl.

It sounds weird because it is. He could bullshit his boss by telling him you were invisible, it saves time but its like he'd take his chances on not getting shot. I mean, he was crawling over the campuses minutes ago in a woman's dress trying to appear normal amidst the abundance of teachers

What's so normal about a hunky, muscular man in a lady's dress stalking around an underage girl?

Guess there's only one way to do this..." He clears his throat, yanking off the hood. "Ahem."

You turn around, faced with a man in a form-fitting suit, slick black hair and an eyepatch obscuring one eye. You blinked, damn he's hot, a scowl painted over your face. You may be hot but rules are rules! "Hey, what's the big idea?!" You shouted, crossing your arms. "Putting some fabric over my head, are you trying to kidnap me or something?!" You jabbed a finger into his chest, ticked off that he interrupted your peace time.

He internally scoffs. You just realized it now, you moron? The man raised his eyebrows, but continued nonetheless. Awkwardly he apologized, "Pardon the intrustion, I am with a program," - you look unconvinced, "- a game program, to be exact -" You nod, persuaded. He sighs, now for the next line, let's hope it goes smoothly, he's never good with public speaking, "- and we kidnap players and put them into a game of some sort..."


A look of shock flittered over your face. "Hold on, a game?" You ask, putting a finger on your chin, a little bit intrigued.

Good, good. She hadn't caught on yet. He nods, loosening his tie, shaking from the lie he had devised, though it wasn't evident from the stoned expression he wore. "The said 'game' i mentioned, is a type of battle royale where you... battle for the succession of a million dollar inheritance...the kidnapping part is only for our audience's entertainment." His palms were clammy now, why did I say that, it sounds nonsensical, who ever in the world would ever believe that?

"I'm in." With a vacant face you said, a thumbs up.

He blinks, a shout inching his throat, he couldn't comprehend your insanity. "You moron!-" He caught his throat, and slapped himself. You take a step back in confusion. "Affirmative," He says once he regains his composure. "Your confirmation for joining the game is accepted. "

Lord Silas would be stoked....

"Nice!" You beam, "So, what do I do?"

He nervousy hands out a napkin. "Since it is impossible for me to uh..." He looks to the discarded fabrinc on the floor, "...Kidnap you..." He sighs, massaging his forehead. "...please...shove this into your face."

You look at him, "You want me to snort on that?"


"What if it smells bad?"

"It's strawberry flavored."

Your eyes brightened and you snatch it, aggressively inhaling. Blinking, you swayed slightly, air beggining to feel lightheaded. "Wow it...smells...like...." And slowly you lost conciousness, giving him the middle finger before falling. "...Shit...."

You were on the ground, snoring.

"What a bad day..." The man mutters.

Meanwhile from the roof of a building far from anyone's perception, a human cyborg clenched his fist, honey eyes glowing in malicious irritation. He zoomed the binoculars closer to the ground,spotting your limped form. There she is, the woman who saved me!

How could he forget you? The woman who slapped a mosquito when he was in ruins, unable to move or process anything. You were his light, a Sensei worth studying under. He needed your wisdom.

His eyes trailed the man who dragged your body across the ground, putting you into the trunk of a van.

"Sensei, I will save you!" Genos declares, standing up from the roof. "But first, I need information about this so called M.E.C.H I have been investigating for some time. You'll have to wait for a while Sensei, I apologize."

With a stern expression he jumps from the railings, hiding behind the dumpster in secrecy, and when the van left, he rushes over to the security cameras, fiddling with the wires. Lets hope they got the plate number, those idiots, what are they thinking kidnapping her in daylight?

[ to be continued! ]

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