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[a.n] : ik the plot is a bit meh rn but bear w me, ur dear writer


Since you were young, you always had been expressive. A trouble maker for that fact, almost like a jock-but a silent jock, not to mention a dumbass. Many looked up to you, although they never knew you you were, your morals had almost impact their lives in a way, even if you wre nothing but a split-fraction of a blur.Emotions had carved your face in a way it made you appeared charming, yet also terrifying in many ideals. Which is, not to mention, that you also take everything also very seriously. Take for instance, the time you were a baby, and your father did nothing but that common game referred to unrealistically getting your nose.

He father pulls out his knuckes from your face, beaming to you while he discern the shift of your expression. "I've got your nose" He cooes.

Doe eyes widened in sheer confusion before you clap, giggling adorably as a child would. Only for your voice to lower that Liam Neeson's vocal chord : "Give me back my nose."

Safe to say, your father never did that again.

It was a norm that you almost got into fights, usually taking out bullies for a day--even if it meant you'd have to break several bones--or saving a victim,.Your mother would cry ten times a day fussing over your swollen face and your father would burst through the door of the prinicpal's office, fuming with smoke from his ears, running towards your limp form on the couch, shaking your shoulders, asking whether you won the fight or not.

Anyone can see that the girl had a ferocious dignity, from the malevolent crinkle of her eyes, the haughty stance of a goddess, it wasn't obvious that the woman had an emotion as strong as her physical prowess.

Until it all thinned out to nothing.

"This is getting really boring..." Your dull round eyes with a thin line for a mouth emerged blankly from your expression, watching as monsters continue to pool in from the door. You try not to yawm as Silas from the other corner spouts all the bullshit that flows right through your ear.

"You see, (Y/n) I have the ultimate weapon of destruction, a serum I devise that goes along well with the prototype..."

You tuned out his ramblings and shove your hands into the pocket of your hoodie, wincing at the destruction. Man, those tiles probably cost more than the sink of my house....

And...he's still going. With a quick--mildly irritated--glance to the man, you let out a sigh. You didn't mean for your remark to come out harsher than expected, you just wanted to talk to him. Part of you believed that the reason this man was hiding behind his flock of monsters was either: you said your reason too harsh, or two he had something to do with your parents death.

Since, Drive Flight...Drove Night? What was his name again? You puckered your lips, trying to remember the name. You have never been good at names, aside from Genos, King and Fubuki--since you saw their face almost everyday--the rest was just simply too hard to grasp.

Anyways, since Thrive Fight had given you that letter--even though you only asked for a name--for almost 5 months you were seeking this man. Not to mention, there was literallly no explanation aside from the name and you wouldn't want to kill someone just yet if they hadn't had their reasons. Who would be ambiguous enough to do that? Sure, putting everything vague makes you look cool, but let's not forget that everyone doesn't share the same braincells.

He's getting really far away, and these monsters are getting a bit annoying...

You picked at the muck on your hoodie, maybe after this interrogation session, you could perhaps drop by a laundry store--no, wait, wouldn't that cost too much> I only have 20 dollars on me now, Warren probably stole it. A montser appeared behind you, though you sense it's presence, you made no movement and instead stared at your nails, mulling over how dirty it was. Should I cut it when I have time? With a dismembered glower, It lifted it's elongated hands and slammed in on your head.

You ducked away in time, not yet angry. "Look, let me think about something first okay?" With a prompting pat on its arm, your look up to the sky, a finger thoughfully perched on your chin.

You didn't budge, and instead, you were lodged a bit deeper into the concrete, a fission erupting upon contact.An irk appeared on your forehead, and slowly you turned, face contorting in obvious annoyance. "Hey, man what's the big idea."

Your fist collided with it's face, a momentary pause, before the explosive force from your fist had sent the monster flying towards the other end of the room, tiles cracked under it's wake, protruding from the ground like glass shards.

In another moment of swiftness, your figure blurred out before appearing over the top of another creature's head, lifting your legs in the air--a flying kick that obliterated it's body into pieces. Landing on a handstand, you flipped over and crouched, sliding your feet against the tiled floor.

"I see, easy as always." He laughs from his spot. "It must be hard for you maneuvering from the pressure of the atmosphere."

It was only then you register Silas lingering by the corner, leaning against the wall, a sardonic smile on his face with his arms crossed. Seconds ago he was rambling off about testing your endurance and mobility, and by doing that he increased the pressure around the room so that your agility could be reduced. You told him to shut up, but he just won't damn listen. Though, he was explaining about his prototype, you didn't really listen because you were to inclined on scrubbing the blood away from you hoodie.

You squinted at his face, stalking towards him. "I'm gonna get you next, brainfart."

He pulled the uno reversed card, and pushed down another lever below. "Hopefully, when you get off from the next level."

You jut out your head, "Weren't you kidnapping me awhile ago?"

The room again shifted, the lights agian flickering smilutaenously while the color transformed into a dark blue color. You rubbed your eyes, a small smile. "Ah, it's not so bright anymore.

"Hey, fleshie! I'm gonna pound you to bits!"

You look up, a bit puzzled.

It was a robot.

A big one.

And, It's name?

"I present you Breakdown." Silas smiles.

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