He Meets Your Parents

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A/N: i tried getting this out before or on Thanksgiving, but clearly that didn't happen. sorry for my incompetence, enjoy the one shot. also I realized that I do not like writing 'meet the parents' one shots so this will probably be the last one I write.


Normally around this time of year you'd be thinking of what dish to bring to your parents while also dreading how crowded it would be with all your family there.

However, this year is different.

This year you have Stephen as a boyfriend, you became aware of mystical beings, and you've been living in a little pocket universe for... a while, to say the least. Your family doesn't know that a lot of time has passed since they last saw you. According to them, they last saw you a four months ago. For you, however, you last saw them over a year ago. Maybe even a bit longer.

And you've spent all that time with just one person: Stephen.

Okay, so there were some moments that you spent alone and some moments that you spent with Stephen as well as others, but overall you had spent most of your time with just Stephen. He is your everything after all. He understood you the most out of everyone you knew and while he does still shrouds parts of himself in mystery, you're able to understand him just as well. And you knew that he was very reluctant to visit your family. (Truthfully, at first you found this very annoying, but now you've come to realize it's just Stephen being protective.) He didn't quite understand why you would want to go back at first, but after thinking about it more, he came to understand your perspective.

Right now you were almost done getting ready. You decided to dress up a little even though you were just seeing your family. As you sat there, brushing your hair, you closed your eyes as you wonder what Stephen would think of your family. He probably would be put off by them at first; honestly you probably would be too if you were meeting them for the first time. Your family was a bit... hectic, to say the least. Despite their apparent roughness, they were also what anyone would want from a family: they were (somewhat) caring. They wanted you to be safe and happy, so at least you had that from them.

You weren't particularly close with anyone in your family, but you did try to make some pleasant memories with them before you met Stephen. Actually, did those memories mean anything to your family? Well, hopefully they did. They meant something to you at least.

You continued brushing your hair, but not because you needed to, but because the feeling of the brush is comforting. The brush flows through your hair softly and soothingly. You become so entranced with your memories and brushing your hair that you don't even hear the door open. Only when Stephen puts his hand on your shoulder do you realize someone entered the bathroom.

"You know, there's still a chance to back out. Just say the word and we can stay here," Stephen says, leaning down to be level with you. You look at his reflection. He's also decided to dress up a little for the occasion: He's wearing a long sleeved white button up and a pair of navy blue jeans. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, making him look more attractive. His black hair, with that stylish streak of grey, is styled the way it normally is except there's a few more loose hairs falling on his forehead. He's smiling, but his eyes are pleading for you to change your mind. You smile back at him.

"And do what? Netflix and chill? It's not like we can't do that anytime we want," You joke, turning to face your boyfriend. He smirks. "You say that like it's a bad thing,"He tucks some hair behind your ear and kisses your cheek. He rises to his full height, offering an arm out to you. "Well, if you won't change your mind, then might as well get it over with." You laugh. 

"Come on! You'll love my family. They're pretty nice once you get to know them. We'll have a good time. And if we don't, then just remember that it's only one night." You take his arm, hair brush discarded on the bathroom counter. Stephen huffs. "Knowing you, it'll probably become a regular occurrence, whether I like it or not." The two of you walk out to the front door. "Probably not. But hey, there's a chance you will like it!" He rolls his eyes, the corner of his lips turning upward. You pout. "At least try to have fun. It tends to make socializing easier." Stephen hums in what you guess is agreement.  

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