They're Not Worthy (Yandere!Stephen Strange)

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Reader is teenage daughter of Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange (around 16 years old). Set before Christine died.

Also this is requested by Onesaki_Chan! Thank you for suggesting a platonic yandere x reader! I hope you like this! And sorry if it's not the Stephen you wanted I've been writing for the What If...? Stephen so I thought I should continue to do so. And sorry if it's not exactly what you were wanting. And finally, sorry for the wait!

Warnings: Swearing, verbal harassment, graphic depiction of a murder/corpse.

Word Count: 2667

   I couldn't wait for school to end. Just ten more minutes until the bell rings and then I'll be out of here. Then I'll go home to my mom and dad, and the three of us will go to the movies and then out to dinner. I know it's a little weird to be excited about spending time with my parents, I'll admit, but I just want them to know that I do love them. Watching movies with them is how I try spending time with them. Oh, and it's Friday. Who isn't excited for Friday?

"Hey Y/N? What'd you get for number four?" I look over and see my class-buddy Whitney. She has a blonde, fluffy bob with curtain bangs and large, round glasses in front of a pair of wide, protruding blue eyes. We're kinda friends, as in we don't talk too much outside of this class, but we get a long greatly and help each other for homework. I blink owl-ishly before looking at my own paper.

"Uhh 37 but I'm pretty sure the answer is wrong. I just gave up," I hand her my paper. She immediately scribbles down the answer on her own paper. "Does it look like I give a shit? I just need an answer," she hands me back my paper. I realize I still have two problems left, so I go to solve them. A few minutes later I finish them, although more slowly than I would've liked due to Whitney needing help with a few more problems. I do really like Whitney, I just hate having my flow mind space getting interrupted. "Bye, have a good weekend!" I say to nobody in particular as the bell rings. I didn't really care to stay behind this time; I just wanted to see my parents again.

They're both pretty busy as surgeons, though dad seems to take as much time off as possible to spend time with me and, of course, mom, but sometimes mom can't make it (again, surgeon). Mom does take some time off so she can spend time with dad and me though. And dad's pretty fun to be around, so I don't mind. He buys me everything I like, let's me talk about whatever I want to, and he always tries to understand what my likes and dislikes. Mom's pretty cool too, though she's not as understanding as dad is. She disagrees with dad about buying me anything I want which causes a few disagreements between them.

I walk through the parking lot and up to my dad's Porsche. I'm surprised he didn't choose the Lamborghini. Might've been because he'll be using the Porsche later anyways. He greets me as I open the door and enter.

"Hey sweetie! How was school?" He waits for me to buckle in before driving off. I shrug. "Meh. Boring. I'm glad it's over though!" I take control of the radio and play my music. Dad playfully roles his eyes. "Melanie Martinez again? Is this your way of drowning me? Through their music?"

I laugh. "Yeah, basically. Gotta problem with that?"

"With you? Never." He ruffles my hair , to which I swat his hand away jokingly.

 "Hey! I just got my hair to behave, dad!" He laughs, but retracts his hand anyway, returning it to the wheel. "And by that do you mean you finally brushed it after all the prodding from mom?" He smirks knowingly. I gawk in mock offense. "Ha-ha, for you information, sir, I do brush my hair. I just forget to do it sometimes." We pull into the parking garage below our penthouse. I gather my stuff as dad responds.

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