Platonic! Yandere! Strange Supreme x Reader Headcanons

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Heyyyy! So I've been working on requests whenever I can, and while it is fun to write again, I do struggle with getting burnt out. So, I figured why not make some headcanons in the meantime?

I'm working on a Yandere!Doc Ock x Reader rn! It's a request and I'm loving it, but not loving the time it's taking lmao so stay tuned!

This was also posted on my Tumblr account! It should be linked on this chapter somewhere!

General Headcanons:

- This may be a platonic relationship, but don't think for even a second that this man won't dote on you for anything and everything.

- I'm serious. This man is as loving platonically as he is romantically.

- He kinda acts like an overbearing, overprotective parent/guardian. Except 1000% worse (or better! Depends how you view it)

- If you're just a normal, regular 'ol human, then he's gonna think you're absolutely helpless and need him to guide, protect, and care for you. Hell, even if you're an expert in martial arts, he'll still think this.

- Develops some kind of morning and night routine for you, including what time you should wake up, eat, bathe, etc. And of course how you should spend time with him. That's a guarantee with these schedules

- Babies you 100%. You are his little baby and you can't change that. You get a paper cut? He'll act like your arm got cut off, and after he's done cursing at the paper, he'll use whatever spells needed to make you feel 10x better than before that nasty bit of tree corpse decided to hurt you.

- Speaking of him using magic, Stephen loves to impress you with his vast knowledge of sorcery, especially if, again, you're just an average human. He frequently uses spells to amaze you, make your eyes grow wide with wonder. He also loves it when you're impressed with him using magic to heal you, how could he not? His little darling is amazed!!!

- Stephen will lecture you for what, to normal people, are minor things or aren't a actually issues at all. Things such as having some alone time because how could you do that, what if something happened, what if somebody hurt you? Or if you decide you want to do something different from the planned routine, because do you not appreciate his efforts? He just wants to make sure you're safe and happy, don't you know he does this because he loves you? Is his love not enough?

- Going off of the last point, if Stephen thinks you went too far with disobeying him/disregarding things he's done for you, he'll conjure a special cell for you to stay in. There's no windows, no doors, just a little block of a room. It's basically a padded cell. He'll give you your food via portals but won't really interact with you in any way besides that.

- Once he becomes calmer, but still angry, he'll step into the room and hand you your food that way, but instead of leaving he'll just stand there. Menacingly. Watching you eat. Never blinking once. That wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the fact that his stare is like being pierced by a million icicles... yeah I think absorbing all those creatures might've had a hand in that...

- Then, when Stephen's anger almost completely dissipates he starts giving off "disappointed dad" vibes. Primarily the "I'm not mad I'm just disappointed" vibe. He'll take you out of the padded cell and all, but he'll always carry this sadness when interacting with you in any way. Yes this man is guilt-tripping you 100000000%

- Once Stephen's over this little incident, he'll go back to doting on you like you're the only person in the multiverse (even if you technically are, if you two are stuck in Stephen's bubble of a universe). After all, he loves you, and does want the best for you, but only if you listen to him, because he knows best. He's here, with you, for a reason. Heaven knows how you managed to survive for so long without the Sorcerer Supreme to care for you. It's still love, just a very twisted type of love.

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