Yandere!Strange Supreme Headcanons

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This is from my Tumblr blog, Ambermation! Go ahead and follow me there cuz tagging people there is much easier (imo). Anyways, headcanons! Yay!

-  This version of Stephen reads more of the obsessive and possessive type of yandere to me. (Anyone else get that vibe? Especially with how his debut episode ended!)

-  Stephen doesn't leave you alone often. Sometimes you have to physically pry himself off of you while the two of you are cuddling just so you can use the bathroom.

-  He's the type of drone on and on about you for hours until someone either tells him to stop or he's reminded of something else he can talk about. But usually he ends up talking about you again, much to the chargin of everyone around him.

He overcompensates for his deteriorated social skills (and his fear of losing you) with lots physical contact, whether it be an arm around your waist or just a hand on your shoulder. He feels the need to be in some sort of contact with you at all times. He feels similarly to withdrawl symptoms whenever you're gone, even for just a few minutes. (You think he does it to compensate for low self esteem)

-  He won't admit it, but he loves it whenever he rests his head in your lap and you start petting him, your fingers running softly through his hair while you whisper nothing but loving words into his ear. It's one of those things that makes him just so soft and open.

Stephen is definitely the type to entangle his limbs with yours while sleeping. Doesn't matter whether he's in his human form or any if his monster forms; he'll do it regardless. And if he doesn't do that, which is rare, he'll cling on to you so you either have to carefully pry yourself out of his grip or carefully pry his limbs off of you.

Whenever you visit your home universe Stephen is constantly on edge. He doesn't like going anywhere in that universe but he tolerates it just for your sake. But if you go out in public and someone (especially if they're a guy) so much as looks at you wrong he'll cast a spell to inflict varietying levels of pain on them (it depends on the offense) before opening a portal and yoinking you with him. It gets worse if the offender bumps into you or even says something that isn't just praise.

You can calm him down by wrapping your arms around his neck, staring into his eyes (the ones that are there regardless if he's human or a monster), and kissing him. You also calm him down simply by hugging him, giving him a kiss on the cheek, or caressing his face. Even more so when you do all 4 things.

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