Living a "normal" life

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Shoto pov

I ended up waking up late for school!
"Izuku come on wake up, we are late for school!" I gently shake him. He stirs & opens his eyes a little. "Please Izuku we are late & we have training today" I pick him up getting him dressed & changing myself before running out the door

He isn't even fully awake as I run into the class holding him. He looks a mess I look a mess & everyone is just staring at him asleep at his desk.

I poke him to wake him & he grumbled at me!

"Izuku we are in class u have to wake up." I say sternly but quite.

Eventually he did and we got paired up. I couldn't focus as he got put against Mina & it was the first time he was fighting her.

I fought sero pretty easily while watching his fight. He ended up tripping & falling off the little areas cementos made.

I didn't have time to think before I used my ice & caught him mid air. Everyone stared in awe even the teachers.

I gently set him down & got a little embarrassed as we have never been seen like this.

"I'm so sorry todoroki is Izuku okay?" Mina came running over.

"Yeah..." I slowly walked to the bathroom to avoid the eyes on me.

Class ended soon after & Izuku joined me in the bathroom. It was different he had his ears out & looked sad.

"Are u embarrassed of me?..." he said quietly I could see the tears in his eyes.

"No its just everyone was staring & every saw whe way I carried u in this morning & I don't want things to be started with drama... Everyone but the teachers don't know ur a neko... &..." I got quieter at the end

"& what shoto? Ur ashamed I'm not a girl? That people will learn ur gay? U don't love me anymore?! U don't like I have an extra set of ears & a tail! Are u gonna lock me up in a room?! To never go out agian!" He was yelling & crying.

I feel my heart shader & I go to him quickly & hold him.

"& I just want u to be safe... yes I'm worried about people learning I'm gay as I know I might be treated differently but I just want u to be safe. I love u so much & I just worry... I lost u once & u where in my arms & I lost u for days.... I wouldn't leave u ever..." I say quietly holding him till he calmed down.

I had an idea to break the ice of him being a neko to the class & me being gay.

"I have an idea to get over the fears I have, but u got to trust me & do as i say. Keep ur ears out & u can hug onto Me" I stand up & hold him rubbing his back his tail very obvious.

I walk into the class where Mr. Aizwa is asleep & everyone is talking. I clear my throat & everyone looked over and once they realized Izukus tail the gasped.

"Everyone I want to be honest with you... Izuku is a neko... they lived along side us & today his Gender is very rare & sold for millions apon billions. I got him as a runaway & he lived a horrible life of cleaning, sexual assault, neglect & many more.. They are treated as animals when he is just a human with an extra set of ears & a tail. And... hes my boyfriend... I-I'm gay..." I say shuddered when I came out & I felt one pair of eyes look at me broken.

Momo Yaoyorozu....

I set Izuku down & everyone stared in awe as his ears moved & I moved his hair to see his normal ears.

Ochako who he had gotten close to walked closer & it made me a little nervous as the silence was loud.

She placed her hand on Izukus head & pet him softly to earn a purr & said, "Nice to know ur real self" & smiled.

neko deku x todoroki Where stories live. Discover now