Chapter 35

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My keys jingle as I try to unlock my now cold and lonely house.

I barely recognised the place.

The outside seemed pretty similar, besides the caution tap surrounding the property. But even though it looked the same, having lived there for a year or so now, it doesn't have the same "vibe" as it did before.

I live alone. if you didn't know that by now then you're pretty stupid. But my house was still a warm and nice place to be. While there was only 1 person living inside the house, there was still a sense of community and family there.

But because no one has lived in the house for 2-3 weeks, and cops and detectives and other authorities have been trampling through out it, it feels, empty. Different. Scary.

I take one step inside and freeze at the stillness of the air. Nothing moved, nothing could be heard, it was completely still.

If air particles could freeze in the air and not move, the way my house felt is what it would feel like.

I shudder at the still and cold feeling. I drop my bags at the front door and look around.

It's extremely different.

Everything had been taken for inspections or some sort of testing. All my little Knick knacks that made my house, well my house are gone. No paintings on the walls. Nothing in the drawers. You'd assume someone was moving out of the place.

"Where the fuck is all my stuff?" I whisper under my breath. I search drawers and cupboards, being greeted with maybe a couple of plates, cups and some cutlery. other than that, it was gone. All. Fucking. Gone

How am I supposed to LIVE in a house with NOTHING FUCKING IN IT?

I scoff angrily as I pull out my phone to call the officers on my case. I listen to the phone ring before hearing a rough voice on the other end.

"Officer Lachy here, how may I help you." The male responds.

"Hi, yeah, it's Saturn here. I just got home from my 2 week trip and I've just been looking around since some investigating has been going on. And I've noticed that a lot of my items and things have gone. Do you have any idea as to where they might be?" I say in an obviously too highly pitched voice, emphasising I'm pissed off.

"Oh hello saturn. Yes a lot of your items were seen as evidence as there was quite a lot of damage. However, because of your insurance claim, you will be able to get everything back." He says.

"Ok, well do you have any idea how long until I will be able to get my things back?" I question.

"At this stage, no as your house is still a classified crime scene and can't be tempered with too much. Because of the level of depth that this investigation has, things like this need to be taken quite seriously." He sternly says.

I mumble some unholy curse upon this man before speaking up sweetly.

"Ok, that's all good. Thanks again and I'll be in touch."

"Uh, before you hang up. We need you to come in tomorrow and answer some questions we have. What times are you free."

"For fucksake," I scoff under my breath. "Uh, im free pretty much all day, I can come in around noon?" I question.

"Yep, that should be good. Have a good day now." And before I can say anything else, the phone line cuts as he hangs up on me.

"Prick." I huff.

I go back to the front door and pick up my things before taking them to my room.

Most of the things in my room at gone but I wasn't expecting much to be left anyways.

I huff as I fall onto the messily made bed.

I pick up my phone before FaceTiming tommy.

"Hello woman!" He says in his persona voice, his face filling up her screen.

"Hello big man. Just wanted to call you and tell you I'm home." I smile.

"Oh, that's very poggers Sat. Say hi to chat." He points his phone towards the camera so chat can see me.

"Hello chat!" I wave at the camera. "Well I'll let you get on with your stream. Call me when you're done though." I smile.

"Alright woman. Talk to you later." He says before hanging up.

As soon as he hangs up, my smile falls off my face. Why was that 20 second call so exhausting?

I put my phone on my chest as I let out a long and sad sigh.

This- this sucks.

I'm away from all my friends. My dad is somewhere out there trying to find me and do goodness knows what. And half of my belongings are gone.

"Fuckk." I tiredly and sadly chuckle as I wipe my hand over my face.

This is gonna be so much harder than I thought it would be.

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