Zoe-Bianca 'Zianca' Jackson

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Zianca committed suicide on 15th November, 2021. 

This announcement was posted by Ren  (formerly known as Dylan): 

As you all know. ZZ suffered a lot. She was healing though. Well she wasn't as stable as she let on. One night or day, I don't know, she took all of her medicine and swallowed every single pill. She overdosed. She d!ed in that hospital. I'm so sorry I couldn't help her. I'm so sorry. She did leave a goodbye note though. It said: to anyone who would consider me a friend, don't cry when I'm gone. Be happy. I might not be here but it's for the better. Maybe one day we can all be together again, huh?" I personally would like to ask no one o act in the sadness or whatever your feeling. She wouldn't want it. I'm so sorry. It hurts so much saying this but I felt you all deserved to know

Zianca will be dearly missed by all of us.

#FlyHighZianca #WeMissYouZianca #RestInPeaceZianca #FallenAngels

Admins personal notes:

April: I never knew Zianca that well, we only talked a couple of times through pms but I will miss her a lot. Out of all the people I never wanted see in this book Zianca was one of them. I hope you're happy in heaven angel<3.

Em: Out of the ever growing group of people who talked with me, and became my family, I never wanted Zianca to get a chapter in this book. She was one of my closest online friends, despite the fact that I never got to meet her. And to all the people she helped, please be happy. She would want us to grieve, and remember, but she'd want us to move on, and do all the amazing things that we were born to do. You're here for a reason, and I know now that Zianca's was to be an angel, who helped us all. Fly high angel. Hope you're happy in Elysium. <33

Personal notes from other people:

L_Algar("Sableye"): I knew her not much, but I miss her like she was my sister.

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