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"Do you know what's worse than having a mom who reminds you once a week you're almost thirty with no kids, and a sister who's already married?" I asked while dipping my chip in the bowl of salsa and looking up at her as I put it in my mouth.

"That sweater you've been wearing for the past two days?" I frowned as I pulled the cushion from under my leg and threw it at her, putting my leg up on the couch head as she dodged it and laughed.

"No, it's having a best friend who thinks she's found the perfect guy for you after you've gone on your tenth blind date," I said chomping on another chip as she pushed her hand in her Kimber.

"Well if you actually tried to connect with them and stopped acting like a small part of you didn't want to be in love then maybe we would be somewhere other than your couch," She said swatting away my leg and taking a seat beside me.

"Who says I want to be in love? Why does everyone think I need love to be happy?" She sighed as she took the bag from my hand and pushed a chip in her mouth.

"I didn't say that love was the only thing that makes you happy, I'm just saying that you would be happier if you went on this blind date tonight." My head hung back as she clutched onto my arm and pleaded.

"I swear to you this is the last one."

"That's what you said the last time."

"I know, but this time I promise, and if I'm wrong I'll do the dishes for a week."

"...promise?" I chuckled as she pulled me into a strong hug and thanked me and before I knew it I was standing outside of a fancy restaurant waiting for him to arrive."

"Are you Valeri?" I turned to see a young guy, nicely dressed in a dark blue suit with his blonde hair combed to the side and sparkling blue eyes. 

"Yes, that's me."

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