Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Champions

This is my favorite chapter so excited for you guys to read it.

don't own Harry Potter yada, yada, yada… wish I did though.
Chapter 33 – Champions
The day of arrival had come. The day's lessons were canceled in preparation for the foreign schools. Now the Pack and Venatores prepared a little different. Each school had a chance to perform in a way at the welcoming feast. Dumbledore was planning on having the school sing their school song... Harry wasn't going to have Durmstrang and Beauxbatons thinking badly of his school because of their headmaster.
Beauxbatons had been seen arriving by a large carriage pulled by oversized Pegasus. Durmstrang came in an intimidating boat that rose from the depths of the Black Lake. Dinner came quickly after their arrival. Dumbledore was making the last minute warning about how dangerous the tournament was when Flinch ran through the room. Dumbledore spoke with the man for a minute before sending him back the way he came.
"Now it seems our guest are ready for introductions, let me start them off by introducing the elegant Ladies and Gentlemen of Beauxbatons Academy and their headmistress Madam Maxime." He waved his hand and the great hall door opened.
A group of beautiful girl in matching blue silk dress uniforms walking elegantly forward. A group of males followed behind them silently in matching blue silk suites. The girls partnered with a male and proceeded to alternate between dancing with their partner and sighing, releasing butterflies into the air. The girls then proceeded to spin to a stop in front of their male classmates as their headmistress, a woman bigger than Hagrid, walked to Dumbledore. Dumbledore kissed her hand and the males of Hogwarts went wild cheering for the girls while the girls giggled and twittered about the males. Harry felt the urge to roll his eyes. A couple of those students had veela blood in them and were using it to their advantage.
Dumbledore held his hands up and the room silenced. "Now for our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkarov."
The doors opened to show young men dressed in a brown uniform, some with fur coats. They carried carved staves. In a steady beat, they stomped the staves creating sparks on the floor. With a shout they ran forward, some doing flips or spins and other doing mock staff fighting. Krum walked in beside Igor, head held high. The show ended with one of the young men creating a serpent of fire that turned in a phoenix before burning out. Dumbledore and Igor hugged like old friends.
'Pack, get ready.' Harry sent the warning.
Dumbledore pulled away from Igor with a smile. "Students of Hogwarts, let us welcome our guest in the best way we know."
'Now!' Harry called standing as one with his Pack. Dumbledore looked confused. "Ladies and Gentlemen of Beauxbatons, Sons of Durmstrang allow us to welcome you our own way."
Without a moment of hesitation Harry threw two specially made daggers up in the middle of the room. Ginny threw two herself. They met in mid air. As they hit each other they burst into green flames and the candles around the room went out leaving only a glow from the daggers that were frozen in mid-air high above everyone's heads. Harry and Ginny slowly walked down the table towards the door while Hermione, who stood in the middle of the hall took the attention by throwing a bead at the flood. It hit with a crack and the floor blackened with mist. The twins and Luna suddenly appeared beside Harry and Ginny by the door. A quick spell had their school uniforms changed into their old Pack cloaks. As one they did a series of flips up to where Hermione stood, swallowed by the mist. When they landed the mist disappeared showing not only Hermione in her cloak but Draco and Neville as well, with the shadows dancing around them. Ginny and Draco created a snake from the shadows that coiled around them. The twins made a lion that stood as tall as they did. Neville and Hermione made a badger that stood proud with its front paws on their shoulders. Luna and Harry created the raven with its wind spread wide above their heads.
The Pack stood strong side by side and spoke with pride in one combined voice "Welcome to Hogwarts, to the school of the cunning, the brave, the loyal, and the intelligent." As one the animals let out fierce cries before flying up into the still green burning flames. The flames exploded into a shower of sparks falling harmlessly to the floor. With the show over the candles in the hall blazed to life once more.
The two schools clapped, impressed at the display. The Pack gave a bow as their own fellow students cheered. They let their cloaks disappear showing their school uniforms once more before they went to their houses to sit. Harry watched smug as Dumbledore tried to get the night back under control. He allowed the visiting students to find their seat, not commenting that they went to either the Slytherin or Ravenclaw table to sit, before the food appeared.
'We were magnificent.' Luna whispered through their bond.
'Well done Pack.' Harry added his own compliment in. 'We represented our school perfectly.'
Dinner ended with much excitement. The food was cleared away and the conversation slowly waned at the sight of Dumbledore standing for the second time in the evening. Flinch placed a covered object on the pedestal next to his podium. "Eternal Glory. That awaits the student who wins the Tri-Wizard tournament." He waited a pause, "Because of past deaths only those of age will be allowed to compete." There were many who objected. Dumbledore held his hand up and silence fell. "Ladies and gentlemen," He grabbed the covering and pulled it. It fell away to reveal a wooden goblet carved and polished to look like stone. Blue flames licked at the inside of the goblet without burning it and flew high above the rim of the cup. "As of now the Tri-Wizard tournament has begun."
The Pack woke early the next morning for their morning workout. In the end it turned into a water fight after the twins hit Hermione with Aqua Eructo, soaking her to the bone. The fight just escalated from there. It ended when Dobby appeared with a wrapped package in hand. Harry took the package without thought. Even with all the paper around it, he could feel it. The power located in the object within it was the same as two other objects he had. He left the Pack to clean up and hide the unwrapped package into his trunk beside the diary. An hour later finds them all dry and heading to lunch in their Pack trench coats. As it was a free day for the whole school students weren't forced to wear the school uniform, a loophole that the Pack happily exploited. The Pack had wanted to spend the whole day in the great hall so they all were sure to bring something to do. After breakfast the tables disappeared, bleachers replaced them against the wall. The goblet of fire stood in the middle of the room with a white floating line around it.
"My twins, you do know that the possibility of that potion working is slim to none right?" Harry muttered, eyes never leaving his blood magic book. He was reading some of the example rituals that Merlin had written down for the reader to learn from. Harry was thinking that a ritual that forced poison out of the body sounded promising, but so did a ritual that made the body resilient toward the elements would be beneficial too.
"Alpha, do you really have so little faith in us?" Fred asked, making it sound like he was hurt.
George swung an arm around his brother's shoulders. "Alpha we spent all night working on this. If this potion doesn't get us through then nothing will." He held up his own dose of potion.
Harry didn't really know why they wanted in the tournament but let them do as they wished. He could feel the power of the spell Dumbledore had cast. That potion the twins had wasn't going to get past it. The crowd around the twins cheered though. The twins linked arms and swallowed their vial of potion. They faced the crowd and jumped into the ring. The cheers doubled as the twins waved their names in the air and as one they threw them into the fire. That's when things went wrong, just like Harry knew it would. The second the papers with their names on them touched the fire, the fire flew out of the goblet and slammed into their chests. They fall backwards out of the ring around the goblet, white beards growing at an accelerated rate. They proceeded to dissolve into a wrestling match, blaming the other for the failed potion.
Harry ignored all that though as he saw Krum approach the goblet. The young man put his name in as he looked up at Hermione, who was sitting with her back resting on his knees. She blushed when she caught his eye and looked away when he smirked at her. Harry smirked himself, nudging her with his leg. 'He's cute and has an eye on you… you might want to go for that.'
'Cute hum? Since when do you look at guys Alpha?' Hermione teased trying to get the attention off of herself.
Harry chuckled out loud. 'My Aunt is opened minded and my godfather is mated to a male werewolf. I can look any anyone I damn well please.'
Hermione coughed into her book, unsuccessfully smothering a laugh.
'Alpha's got a point, he is cute.' Ginny poked her in the side.
'Yes well.' Hermione turned away from them. They just laughed at her attempt to end the conversation.
Harry would have continued to tease her if he didn't see Cedric being pushed by a group of his friends into the circle. "Hey Cedric, just put your name in so Hogwarts can have a decent champion in the running yeah?" He called out.
Cedric laughed along with the other students and threw his name into the fire. The Pack cheered for Cedric just as many of the others did. Time passed quickly after that. A number of students from three schools came and went. Soon it was time for dinner. Harry and the Pack sat in the bleachers to eat because the tables were set up for those who put their names into the fire and the visiting students.
Soon all the food was consumed and the students waited impatiently for the selection to happen. Dumbledore stood slowly, making many want to yell for him to hurry up. For effect Dumbledore lowered the candles so the goblet gave off most of the light in the room. "Now it's almost time for the choosing to beginning. Good luck to all who entered." The fire chose to burn an orange red at that moment. A piece of heavy parchment was thrown out singed around the edges. Dumbledore caught it. "The champion for Durmstrang is Viktor Krum!"
The Durmstrang students cheered loud, pounding Krum on the back as he walked passed. He followed Dumbledore's prompt and walked through the door to the trophy room. The fire spat out another name just as he passed through the door. The room held its breath waiting for the next name.
"The Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour." The cheering started anew. The girl stood from her seat and swept down the hall with pride and a touch of arrogance. She passed the teachers with a flashed smile and continued to the trophy room to wait.
The fire changed a third time and the Hogwarts students were holding their breath for the name of their champion. Dumbledore, they felt, drew it out a touch longer than the others. "The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!" The students exploded in cheers. Cedric was known for one of the best students in the school, great grades, great spell knowledge, and a great dueler.
Cedric joined the other champions. Dumbledore looked so proud. "Now we have our champions, and the prize," He turned to show Crouch sr. set down an object on the head table. He pulled the cloth off to show a glowing blue glass and silver cup. "The Tri-Wizard Cup."
The students cheer. Then the unimaginable happened. The goblet's flames changed red a fourth time. A piece of paper shot out as the hall stared in shock. Dumbledore catches the burn paper and mutters the name. "Harry Potter." The students turn as one to look at the boy whose name matches. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yells.
Harry feels his magic ready to break free in his anger. "Pack, keep together." Harry whispered. He stood, uncaring mask in place in the deafening silence. He walked passed all the faces controlling his magic in his anger and confusion. Dumbledore handed him the paper with his name on it. Harry grabbed it and continued past him. The trophy room was warm and inviting normally but Harry locked eyes with Cedric, trouble was on its way and Cedric understood.
"Harrison what's going on?" Cedric asked cautiously. Harry held up the paper for all to see. Cedric growled. "Who the hell? Why the hell who someone do that?"
"I will get the answer to that and more." Harry vowed. The air around him shifted with his magic, a glow fighting for its place in his eyes.
"Harry!" Harry turned at Dumbledore's concerned voice. He grabbed Harry by the arms backing him up into a wall of trophies. Cedric stepped up to his Lord's side. "Harry did you put your name into the goblet?"
"No, nor did I ask someone to do it. I have been with my friends all day in plain view of everyone. Just ask." Harry growled.
"Of 'course he is lying." Madam Maxime pushed the hanging light out of her was when she entered.
"Madam Maxime, let me make this perfectly clear for you." Harry flicked his wrist making his wand shoot into his hand. "I, Lord Harrison James Evans Potter, do so swear on my magic and life that I didn't unwillingly or willing put my name into the goblet of fire nor did I have someone else, willing or unwillingly, put my name into the goblet from me. So mote it be." His magic flashed, showing the acceptance of the oath. Harry flicked his wand, sending trophies flying in a controlled fit of rage. "No, instead of blaming me, why the hell don't you find out who put my name into this damn bloody game."
"Harrison control yourself." Harry froze at his godfather's voice. Severus walked into the room with Moody behind him.
"The name was Harry Potter. That's not my name so am I bound?" Harry knew he was. He had felt the goblet's magic reach out to his the moment his name was out of the flames.
Severus sighed. "Yes. It is part of your full name and the goblet accepted it."
"Aunty is going to kill someone." Harry muttered falling against the trophies behind him.
Cedric snorted leaning next to him. Harry glanced over at him eyebrow raise. "I'm more worried about the Pack killing someone. They are protective."
"Yeah I know." Harry sighed once more before standing back up and set his mask into place again.
Harry walked passed the confused headmasters/mistress. The other followed, wanting to know what the hell was going on. Harry stepped into the Great hall to be assaulted by yelling. The hall had become a war zone. His Pack was leading the Hogwarts students against the visiting schools. Harry stopped in front of Dumbledore's podium. A quick Sonorus later he was ready to go. "Enough." His voice echoed through the room startling everyone into stopping. "Students of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang, It seems there are four champions competing. How that happened will be determined but for the moment let me make this clear. Cedric Diggory is the Hogwarts champion. I am forced to compete by a magical contract so I have no choice but I will not compete under Hogwarts as that is not fair. I will compete under a different name. I compete for the Pack."
Luna jumped up onto one of the tables. "Alpha!" She cheered. The rest of the Pack caught on quick as they started cheering too. He was relieved that none of his marked called out and cheered like his Pack. Dumbledore stare at him, measuring him. Harry cancelled the sonorous with a disguised sigh. He knew this was going to be a bad year.
Little Alpha,
I am sorry for you name to have been drawn from the fire. It seems that one of my Death Eater though they could get into my good graces by having you killed in that tournament. He had been taken care of and another of my men sent to the school to help you if you are in need of it. I wish you luck.
The letter came the morning after Samhain. Harry felt a bitter smile grace his lips. His plans, so carefully laid, now lay at his feet in ruin all because of a Death Eater who wanted to climb the ranks. He was pissed. While not all of his plans were destroyed as but he was going to have to be very careful of how he proceeded.
Your informant is swift with information. So you are the one I can thank for this mess. Your offer is looking less and less appealing. Your followers don't even listen to their Lord, what would stop them from attacking or challenging me the moment they learn who I am? More importantly, why would I partner with someone who has committed the most horrendous of sins ever known? Tell me this Tom, why did you make horcruxes? Not one, not two and I get the feeling you went beyond even the three I have. Why did you chose to rip your soul apart, your very magic? How can I trust you if you treat your greatest gift in such a way?
"Fred, George do the two of you want a new project?" Harry asked them out of the blue the next morning after their practice.
The twins traded grins before they answered together. "Just tell us what you want Alpha."
Harry smirked. "Find out who Mad-eye Moody really is."
The twins looked confused. George looked at the others, wondering if they knew why Harry thought that the teacher was someone else. "Why?"
"Polyjuice Potion." Harry stated.
They nodded in understanding. "Be right back." Fred ran back to their bedroom.
Harry and the others looked at George in confusion. George grinned but waited for his twin. When Fred came back he carried a folded up parchment. "We found this in our first year when we were snooping in Flinch's office." George boasted. "I forgot we haven't shown it to you all."
Fred placed the tip of his wand to the parchment. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Snorts were heard from all around the room. Ink slowly bled to the surface of the parchment, showing a sketch of Hogwarts on the front. Fred handed it over to Harry.
Harry almost laughed at what was written on the front with the sketch. "Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map." Harry looked back up to his twins with a grin. "You have no idea who these people are do you?"
"No but if they made this they must be brilliant. This map shows everyone on Hogwarts land including half the forbidden forest." George gushed.
"This map has made it impossible for anyone to catch us at our pranks. It shows every hidden passageway and classroom. We've found that it even gives you the passwords and if you enter a place that wasn't on the map, the map adds it. It did that to the ROR and this place. They only show if you ask for them though. This map has everything." Fred told them. He pointed to where the Silver room was meant to be. There was nothing. "Silver" It took a moment but the room slowly appeared.
"Twins, I can tell you now that you have met two of the Marauders." Harry told them opening the map to find the DADA room.
"What!?" Fred and George looked ready to have heart attacks. "Who?"
"Moony is Remus and Padfoot is Sirius." Harry found the room but something was strange. Moody was in his office but so was Barty Crouch.
"Do you know who the others are?" Fred asked.
Harry was only half listening to them. "Yeah, wormtail was Peter Pettigrew and Prongs was James Potter."
Harry was too involved with trying to puzzle out why Moody wasn't moving but Barty was all over the office that he didn't notice the silence that fell over his Pack. "Alpha?" Harry turned to look at Hermione. "You father is Prongs?"
"Yeah. Sirius almost fainted when he saw that Prongs was my patronus." He almost sighed at the looks being sent his way. "It's fine. Now back to the map. Twins do you mind if I borrow this?"
"Professor may I speak with you? I just have a few quick questions." Harry asked Moody as the class packed up. Neville packed up but stayed in his seat. Moody nodded.
'Neville go. This might take a little and you don't need to sit here when you can be eating with the others.' Harry ordered. He didn't keep much from his Pack but this was something he wanted to keep to himself until he thought it safe to tell.
Neville walked out with the last of the students. A flick of his wrist had the door shut and locked. Another flick of his wrist had the one portrait in the room asleep. "Now professor why don't we just cut to the topic that I want to know about. Why are you here?"
Moody growled, pulling his wand. "I don't what game you are playing Potter-"
"Evans. My name is Harrison Evans, Barty." Harry flicked his wrist a third time making the man fall back into his chair unable to move. "As Barty Crouch Sr. was here yesterday and you were in the same room with him I can only assume that you are his son. The same son that was reportedly dead. I don't care how you are alive, what I care to know is what you are doing here. Your lord and I have a peace right now for negotiations."
Moody sat still for a minute just looking at the boy before him. "Milord sent me to watch Dumbledore. Yesterday he ordered me to help you in any way possible."
"Of course he did. Who was the one to put my name in?" Harry asked releasing his magic to allow Barty to move.
"His name was Formell Garmen. Milord killed him." Mood straightened in his chair and put his wand away.
"Your Lord has until the end of the tournament. He'll know what I mean." Harry unlocked the door and left the man sitting confused at his swift departure.
When Harry entered the great hall for lunch he found the other champions sitting with his Pack talking. Luna saw him first over Fleur's shoulder. "Alpha, come eat." Her yell made the others to turn to him.
"How was your talk with Moody?" Draco asked as Harry sat in the saved seat between him and Hermione.
"It was well." Harry nodded to both Fleur and Krum. "I was wondering how the investigation was going. They have no idea who put my name in."
"That's not cool. You would think that the damn cup would have a spell on it that blocked any attempts at putting other people's names in." Cedric glared up at Dumbledore.
Harry pulled the plate of grilled chicken closer. "Calm Cedric."
Cedric turned back to his food. Fleur watched the interactions with a sharp eye. While many just saw a pretty face, she was smart. She could see that there was more to this 'Pack' than met the eye. "Harrison, you are a fourth year here are you not?"
"I am. Does Beauxbatons have years like Hogwarts or is it by class subject." He was honestly interested. There wasn't much on the other magical schools. They all kept their secrets close to them.
Fleur smiled. "We have years, though our years are split in our fourth year by what field we want to go into."
"Really?" Harry could hear the excitement in Hermione's voice. "What field did you choose?"
"Political relations. I hope to get a job with the goblins." Fleur answered preening with pride.
Hermione turned back to Krum who sat beside her. "What about Durmstrang? Are your years split?"
"We are. In our second year, we are split by our magic. In our fourth year, we are split again by our field." Krum confirmed.
"And what is your field?" Hermione pushed her full plate away, ignoring it in favor of new information. Fred, who sat across from her, pushed her plate back to her. She sent him a scowl and pushed her plate way again. Harry was the one to push it back. He gave her a pointed look making her grumble but she didn't push it away again.
Krum and Fleur watched this all with sharp eyes. "I will follow in my family's footsteps. I will be in politics."
"Understandable. Draco's going that route." Hermione nodded.
Fleur took that as her chance to ask Harry more questions. "What about the rest of you? Harrison what do you want to do?"
Harry almost smirked. "Politics." 'In a way.' He sent the rest through the bond causing the twins and Luna to grin.
Neville chuckled. "Harry here has had his future planned since his first year. He know what he's going to do and nothing is going to stop him. The rest of us are just helping him where we can."
Fleur and Krum both felt that there was more to that than what they were getting as the others shared smiles and glances the spook of a deeper meaning. They didn't know what to expect when they first came to this school but they never expected this group. They spent the rest of lunch watching the Pack interact feeling that they were missing parts of the different conversations around them.
Review please, I love knowing what you all think. Thank you for your support!

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