Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Dementors

My delightful creatures, welcome to the next installment of Silver Tongue. I immensely enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope you all enjoy reading it.

do not own Harry Potter so do not sue me.
Chapter 24 – Dementors
Harry led the Pack through the train to find a compartment. He passed one after another feeling others in them. He was almost at the end of the train when he paused, feeling two people that shouldn't be there. He opened the door to find Remus and Sirius sitting in it. "What are you two doing here?"
Remus looked up scenting his cub and smiled. He patted the seat in front of him to indicate they should take a seat, while Sirius sat bouncing like an excited five year old looking out the window. Remus shook his head with a fond smile at his mate. Sirius looked better. He'd had a bath and his hair was clean, cut, and brushed so it fell to his shoulders in light waves. The clothes he wore were form fitting so he didn't look as unhealthy as he did in the huge rags he wore at the trial and his skin was clean but he still had a long way to go. Harry was just happy to see a small light in his eye instead of the dead darkness that was there the day before. Being with his mate, for even just one night was already helping him heal.
Harry sat followed by the rest of his Pack. After Draco and Hermione sat next to him on one side, he magically enlarged the compartment in both width and length so Luna could curl into his other side, Neville could sit with Ginny next to Remus, and the twins had already found a place on the floor on either side of his legs to sit so they weren't squished.
Remus waited till they were all seated to talk. "I forgot to tell you that Dumbledore offered me the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. Since Sirius was cleared and he needs to be supervised by someone until the healer clears him, Lucius convinced the school board to allow him to stay with me. Madam Pomfrey will be taking over as his healer."
"You mean we actually will have a DADA teacher who knows what the hell their teaching?" Fred piped in from the floor. George gripped his brother in fake shock and joy.
"Language." Ramus chided him with a scowl, though Harry could feel his magic dance in amusement at the twin's antics.
"English." Sirius randomly, he had a large lopsided grin on his face. Remus sent a small half-hearted glare at his mate.
"French." Luna chirped playing alone. Sirius turned his smile to her. She giggled at Remus who turned his glare on her, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Latin." George called next. Fred grinned at his brother and Harry chuckled.
Remus looked up the ceiling like he was asking for patience, though Harry saw the smallest of smiles brake onto his lips. "What am I going to do with you all?"
"If you're a werewolf, does that mean you see Harry as Pack?" Luna asked randomly causing everyone to look at her wondering what the hell she was thinking to ask such a random question. She ignored the looks and turned to look up at Harry with big puppy eyes. He felt slightly unnerved knowing he was most likely going to agree with whatever she wanted from just that look. "Can we adopt them into the Pack Alpha? Can we keep them? Please?"
"Alpha? Pack? Adopt?" Sirius looked confused. 'Did he look like a lost pet?'
"Adopt?" Remus looked more amused at that. Harry had already told him all about the Pack and his plans for the wizarding world. He turned his amused gaze to Harry. "Am I adopted into your Pack?"
Harry let a loud laugh out. "Do you want to be adopted? We can adopt you if you like."
"Yay! We get to keep them!" Luna threw her hands up in joy, her eyes twinkling in excitement. "We have to get them a room set up in our rooms and we have to introduce them to the others. Oh, they will just love you two. Maybe you guys can train with us too. Alpha, Alpha, Alpha, when do-" Harry didn't know a person could talk so fast and so long without breathing but Luna did. He put his hand over her mouth to stop her even as she continued to pull on his school robes.
"Luna love, you need to slow your speech down and breathe." She nodded but he still held his hand over her mouth. The other looked on in amusement. "Now we don't have to set a room up for them. They will have their own rooms given to them that can be connected to our rooms. Remember that the founders all had their personal rooms connected to our rooms. Yes, we will introduce them and yes, I think they will like each other well enough. Now if they want to train with us, then they can but that is up to them." He slowly took his hand away from her. She stayed still just looking at him with her big eyes.
"Anything from the trolley?" The candy lady called from the hallway.
"Saved by the yell." Hermione giggled standing up. Harry held out his money pouch to her. Hermione, now used to him paying for everything when one of them were with him, just took it and left to get things for them all.
"Cub you are already Pack to me." Remus sadly smiled. "I wish I found a way around the protections to see you when you were growing up and I wish I knew what happened to everything I sent you but you have always and will always be my cub."
"Hermione and I are going to have to make you both a Pack band." Harry leaned back into the seat to accommodate Luna's need to snuggle into his lap she seemed to have developed since joining the Pck.
"Pack band? I think you left those out." Remus didn't remember Harry ever telling him of them.
Harry pulled his school robe off, to show his sleeveless emerald shirt, Amara curled around his neck, and an arm band made of obsidian with silver borders and a Celtic wolf howling to the full moon. The moon having been made from a moonstone. Fred slid his own robe down to show he also wore a sleeveless shirt, his the shifting grey they all favored in one form or another, and his own simpler obsidian arm band with the Celtic wolf howling carved into it but with emerald eyes. Ginny was the last to show off her 'Pack band'. She reached across Neville so she could show Remus and Sirius her slender obsidian rings with a Celtic wolf howling inlayed into an emerald stone.
Sirius whistled impressed at the work. "Those are some nice pieces."
Remus nodded in agreement to his mate's words. Ginny pulled her hand back into her lap with a happy smile. "Remus turned his gaze back to Harry. "You said you made them? You and Hermione?"
Draco was the one to answer. "Yeah. They double as port keys."
"Port keys to where?" Remus reached out to touch Fred's arm band.
"To other members of the Pack." Hermione pulled the door open with her foot as her arms were full with treats. Luna paused in her explanation to accept two cauldron cakes and a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans Hermione handed to her. "Alpha found a way to link all of us to the bands."
"Making port keys is illegal. The ministry is the only authorized place to get them. If anyone finds out you did that you will get into big trouble." Remus watched them worried.
Hermione rolled her eyes at the werewolf. She handed Harry his money pouch along with a few blood pops, two chocolate frogs and a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. He smiled in thanks. Draco took his four chocolate frogs and box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans from her lap as she handed the twins their three chocolate frogs and box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans each. Ginny eagerly took her two sugar quills and two chocolate frogs from Hermione. Neville was the last to get his treats; a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, a chocolate frog, and a pumpkin pastry. Hermione double checked that the Pack had their treats before offering Sirius and Remus two chocolate frogs and a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans each. They took them with thanks.
Harry opened his first blood pop. "Remus the thing about our port keys is that they can only be activated by us. They have protections weaved into them. No one can take them from us, no one can activate them, they can not be damaged or destroyed, and they have tracking charms in them for emergencies, though only we can track them. No one outside of this room knows these are for anything other than fashion."
"When did you make these? How did you make them?" Remus knew that port keys took a lot of power to make.
"Magic is easy to me Moony." Harry shrugged on shoulder in a lazy manner. "All I have to do is direct my will and magic just shapes how I want it to."
Hermione pulled Remus into a conversation, explaining the different cores like the founders did. Harry ignored them. He pulled out a book he hadn't in a while, his blood magic book. Luna snuggled into his side again as he opened the book to the last page he had read to refresh his memory.

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