Mission underway and a birthday Surprise

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Y/N woke up ready for another week. He was fairly happy with his first (part) week at Hogwarts- even the fight on Saturday didn't dampen his spirits. It was just the incident with the twins, but he had to bury that shit. No one was going to care, a man needs to be stoic!

The lessons of Jacob rattled around in his mind as he rubbed his eyes and looked down to see Smoky on his bare chest, fast asleep. He gently moved her, the Kneazle half waking as he kissed her on the head and whispered:

"I'll put your food down. Keep sleeping Smoky, love you girl"

The kitten meowed half asleep as if to answer, causing Y/N to chuckle as he got his tank top on and headed down to the common room.

He smiled as he got to the staircase, seeing Hermione waiting for him with a big smile. They went to their usual spot and she set herself up on the desk while he worked out.

Y/N thought he noticed Hermione looking at him a few times out the corner of his eye but when he turned round she was face deep in a book. Must be his imagination. He finished and was his usual sweaty self so he went into the shower to shower and freshen up. The pair went down to breakfast and as they were eating an owl arrived for Y/N, dropping a letter to him. He recognised the handwriting. It was from Newt. Crap.

"Who's that from Y/N?" Hermione asked happily as she ate her oatmeal.

Double crap.

Y/N knew he had to distract Hermione but how? He answered with his best poker face:


"Oh cool" Hermione smiled.

"Yeah" Y/N answered before taking a mouthful of eggs, buying him time as he looked around. Beatrice was at the Hufflepuff table. Perfect. He instantly employed his legilimency:

Bea no time to explain. Can you please distract Hermione? Take her for a talk or something?

Beatrice looked over at Y/N and subtly nodded. She was used to legilimency with her brother in law. Y/N prayed to Merlin in relief.

Y/N continued to chew as he opened the letter:

Dear Y/N,

It was very pleasant to hear you wished to converse with me. We have both missed you greatly since your last stay with us. How can we help you? Hope your studies are proving fruitful. I hear you are going to be helping on the Creature Reserve. Well done my boy you will make a fine Magizoologist. I look forward to hearing from you,

All the best


PS Tina sends her love and wants you to come and stay a night in your Christmas break.

Y/N smiled as he finished reading, Hermione smiling widely and saying:

"Oh you were right. He's so nice".

"Yes he is" Y/N smiled at Hermione as he saw Beatrice approach in his peripheral vision.

"Morning guys. Hey Hermione can I borrow you real quick? Just need a chat"

Hermione smiled in surprise and nodded:

"Oh ok then!"

The two girls walked off and Y/N knew he needed to be quick. He wrote a reply as quick as he could, attacking it to the owl who after a pat and a piece of bacon flew off.


Beatrice smiled as she and Hermione walked off. She knew if the kid had used legilimency he must be up to something. Bea had wanted to talk to Hermione anyway, so it worked out well.

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now