Chapter Two

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Hey, picture added is Ruki's room. Only difference is Ruki's does NOT have a chandelier or flower pattern on his wall. And no glass bottles on the bed. And the painting in Ruki's room it'll will be Blood Of The Moon 2 by Megan Duncanson. I'll post a picture of the painting in the next chapter.

Akira entered the laboratory and walked up the stairs to the room he and Ruki worked in. It had been two months since he got this job and he was satisfied with the pay. Though this wasn't technically a real job, Ruki paid Akira quite a bit. Where Ruki got the money, Akira was unsure of. He entered the room to see Ruki sitting at his desk, two men were sitting in chairs they had pulled from the library. "As I told you last time, my answer is still no. Now, get out of my lab." Ruki growled and the men stood. "Watch out for him. He's dangerous." One of the. Men said as hey walked by Akira.
Ruki took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He lets out a sigh and leaned back in his chair. "You don't know them yet, but you will. About every four months they come with copious amounts of money to try and buy the lab and my research. Their getting desperate." Ruki said and Akira only nodded as a reply.m"you know the drill, lab safety, Akira." Ruki said and stood.
Akira watched the sway of the midget's hips as he walked. Akira had grown used to the sight, but is was getting to the point where he just might lose control. After all the time spent here, Akira realized his feelings were love. Or maybe just lust. Either way, Akira wanted the midget under his control. But, he couldn't act yet. He didn't now if Ruki felt the same or not. He didn't want to scare Ruki, if he did then Ruki would never gain feelings.
"Akira, go find me a book in the library, please. It'll have 'Scientific Discoveries: Acids With More Acids.' If you can't find it, then forget about it. I don't remember what shelf it's on, so good luck." Ruki called and turned on a faucet. Ruki began washing beakers and a graduated cylinder. Akira headed to the library, turning on the light and beginning his search. He sorted through many books, some so heavy he had trouble moving them.
He began putting the books in alphabetical order so that he'll be able to find books easier in the future. Finally, he found the book Ruki was looking for. He took it and headed back to the lab. He placed the book on Ruki's desk and looked around the room. Ruki was no where to be seen. It was odd, considering Ruki never just abandoned the lab like this without a good reason.
Akira left the room, walking through the building. Several lights had been turned on and Akira found a room with the door wide opened. Ruki was running water from the faucet over his left hand. Akira walked into the room and looked over the midget's shoulder. He noticed a large burn. "Oi, Ruki, are you alright?" Akira asked and the scientist jumped. "Ah, yes. acid spilt and while I was cleaning it up it splashed on my hand. Nothing I can't handle, I'm used to it, really." Ruki said and turned off the water. He wrapped his hand in a paper towel and Akira looked for a first aid kit. When he found on he looked through it. There was no ointment for burns but there was a wrap-able bandage. Akira took the bandage and grabbed Ruki's arm. "Can I bandage it?"
Ruki blinked a few times then slowly nodded his head. Ruki patted his hand with the paper towel to make sure all the water was dried. Akira carefully wrapped the bandage around Ruki's hand and tied it tightly. "There. I can go to the drug store and get a burn ointment if you want." Akira offered and Ruki shrugged. "If you want to,." Ruki replied and headed back to the lab. Akira headed down the stairs and out of he laboratory. He headed down the street, ending up at the café where he had first met Ruki. But, he headed down the opposite side of the road to the drugstore. He searched around for awhile and finally asked for a burn ointment.
"It'll sting, but for just a few minutes. Should heal any burns." The store owner said and Akira bought the ointment. Akira left the drugstore and headed to the café. Might as well buy lunch while he's out. He entered the café and ordered what Ruki usually asked for then ordered his own food. By the time he was heading back an hour had passed.
Akira entered the building and headed up he stairs. Ruki was sitting at his desk, staring down at his phone. Akira sat the lunch bags on the desk. "Got lunch and the ointment." He said and Ruki nodded. Akira stared at Ruki's injured hand and bit his lip. "Do you want to apply the ointment or wait a bit?" Akira asked and Ruki sighed. "Apply it for me. I'm a baby when it comes to touching injuries." Ruki replied and Akira silently laughed.
Akira unwrapped Ruki's hand and set the bandage on the table. He opened the ointment and squeezed some of the contents onto his fingers. He slowly and carefully applied the ointment. Ruki flinched and bit his lip. Akira wrapped Ruki's hand up again and smiled. He grabbed the lunch sacks and followed Ruki to the lunch room. Ruki sat at one of the table and Akira handed him his bag. "It's what you usually order." Akira said and Ruki nodded. Ruki ate his food quickly and headed back to the lab. Akira ate his food slower. After eating he threw away their trash and joined Ruki in the lab.
"Thank you for bringing the book." Ruki said as he opened said book. Akira shrugged and walked towards the desk. He watched over Ruki's shoulder as the midget flipped through pages. "I'm going to be in he library if you need me." Akira said and left the room. He entered the library and continued putting the books in alphabetical order. Minutes later, Ruki entered the room. He pulled books off shelves and brought them to Akira.
"Why are you rearranging them?" Ruki asked and Akira shrugged. "Put them in alphabetical order and they will be easier to look through." Akira replied and Ruki emptied more shelves, setting the books where Akira could look through them. Ruki sat beside him and grabbed a book. "Zombie-Like." Ruki read the cover. "What's that about?" Akira asked and Ruki sighed. "Well, people who do drugs over a period of time become zombie-like. Their brain tissue deteriorates, causing them to lose common since and logic. Their brain cells decay, causing them to forget their basic needs." Ruki said and closed the book. "Or they could be like me. Just losing their sanity by devoting all their time to work. Eventually their sanity deteriorates. If quite a sad phenomenon." Ruki bit his lip and sat the book down. "No, don't close yourself back up. I want to hear more." Akira said and Ruki sighed.
"Akira. There's nothing to hear." Ruki was going to stand and leave but Akira grabbed his arm. "Ruki, just...explain about your work or something." Akira said and Ruki sighed. "Akira...I don't like to talk about myself, ok." Ruki pulls his arm from Akira's grasp. He left the room. Akira felt rejected. He just wanted to get to know Ruki. He didn't think the midget would react in the way. Akira put all the books in their order but kept the Zombie-Like book. When he got to the lab he put the book in his messenger bag.
Ruki was sitting at his desk with his head down. He was using his arms as a pillow. Ruki had slept at his desk many times since Akira started working at the lab. Akira grabbed Ruki's shoulder and shook him awake. "Ah, what?" Ruki sat up and rubbed his eyes. He put his glasses back on and stood.
"You need sleep." Akira said and Ruki laughed. "Sleep? I don't need sleep." Ruki replied and walked to the table of acids. "Ruki, your health is deteriorating. You need to sleep." Akira said and Ruki sighed.
"Fine." And with Ruki's reply they cleaned the room and turned out the lights in the building. Ruki locked the door and Akira walked him home. "Want to come in?" Ruki mumbled and stood to the side with the door open.
Akira entered the door into the apartment. The apartment consisted of one bedroom and one bathroom. A living room and dinning room conjoined together. A kitchen was through a door on the right as soon as you walk into the apartment.
"This is a nice place." Akira said as he went down the two steps from dinning room to the living room. The dinning room sat on a deck and you had to go down two smalls steps to get into the living room. Akira looked around. No tv, just a laptop in the corner of the room sitting on a wooden desk. It looked like an antique teacher's desk from America.
"Well, thank you. I'm not really a good decorator." Ruki said and Akira continued to scan the apartment. Paintings hung the walls. They were all in a gothic style. A large replica of Van Gogh's Starry Night along with another of Gogh's works Starry Night Over The Rhone. Akira admired the artworks. He noticed a few paintings sitting against the wall in the same style as Gogh's works. But these were new to Akira.
"What artist is this? I haven't seen these." Akira said and looked at a blushing Ruki. "I painted those. When I was in my final year of school. I was always inspired by Van Gogh." Ruki smiled and Akira stared at the paintings.
"If you want them, you can take them. I don't want them anymore. I was taking them down to sell." Ruki said and Akira picked up on of the paintings. The setting was at a beach nearby. It was night, a sky full of stars. The moon hung in the sky, nearly covered by clouds. A lone silhouette stood on the edge of the sea. "I like this one best." Akira said and hung the painting on the nail still in the wall.
Akira turned to face the midget. "Can I really have it?" Akira asked and Ruki nodded. "Yeah. Take them." Ruki smiled and sighed. "You can hang out if you want. I'm going to take a shower." Ruki said and headed to a door. He opened it and entered the dark room. After a few minutes the light turned on. Akira walked towards the door and peaked in.
The room was small and kept clean. The bed was made. The bed had a black comforter and white pillows with tan designs on them. The walls were black and white stripped. A painting of a black tree with a blood red moon hung above the bed. The background of the painting was black and gray. A black table sat on both sides of the bed. Both tables had a lamp sitting on it.
Ruki was standing at a black dresser. He pulled out a pair of boxers with a large shirt. He turned and noticed Akira at the door. Ruki walked past him and to another door. He entered and flipped a switch, revealing the bathroom. He closed the door and with in minutes water was running.

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