Nice meeting you...

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[Third person's POV]

They create a group chat after the class to discuss some plans to do for camping this weekend.

Both side have been close and the weekend comes.

Camper's Squad

Dubu, Seyoung, Hyung, Yoda, Momoring, Minguin, Yomas, Sanake and Nabong


Dubu: hi chinguyah! Ready for today!😃😃😇. Do you have enough sleep yesterday?...

Seyoung: ..... typing.....


Hyung: Sleepy wae? 😴😴

Momoring: Yap! Waiting for Mina and Sana.

Yoda: Should I need to join you guys! I'm kindah tired right now!😇😇

Sanake: Yah! Chewy do you need to back out right now!🤨🤨

Nabong: Dahyun-ssi... uhm... can I...😊🤗🤗

Yomas: Wae @Yoda.

Yoda : Nothing unnie.😩😩😵

Dubu : @Nabong wae is there something wrong.🤔🤔

Nabong: Nothing!😊😊

Hyung: Yah! Bunny are you flirting with Dubu!🤔🤔😏😏

Seyoung : Hyung! Don't be harsh with Bunny unnie. Others will get jealous (referring to MoMo and Sana unnie) 😏😏😏

Momoring : Yaaaahh!!! 😠😠

Sanake : Yah!! Seyoung stop... Momo here is very angry and my ears hurt! Yah! Momoyah! Stop yelling Mina will get mad to us.

Dubu: Speaking... where is Mina Unnie?...

Hyung, Seyoung and Yoda: Uy! Someone missing Mina Unnie...

Dubu: Yaaaaahhhh!

Sana: Still here talking to her parents and asking for permission to join us. Her parents are kindah!.... Strict! Hehehe😅😅

Dubu: I hope she can join us.. by the way I need to go... Bye guys see you later.. I need to fixed some things here....👋👋👌

Them: Byers!

Dubu is now offline...

Hyung: should we need to buy alcohol I have few here... what do you think?

Yomas: Ani! There are kids here!

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