Chapter eight: friends

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❤Colette's POV❤

I stood before my fathers memorial and tears fell down my face.

I would never be able to accept the fact that he was gone...I chuckled at the part that said "Passionate Father."

My mother had no part in putting that, she loathed my father, she always claimed to wanting a boy and that my father wouldn't give her one.

They divorced when I was just Ten... And My mother had a child with another I resulted with the annoying twit of my step brother..

No one ever comes with me to see father, that's why I brought Harry.

I figured that it might lessen the pain, but boy was I wrong, I'd been crying a torrent of tears for the past minutes into Harry's shoulder. He rubbed my back and whispered that everything was going to be alright.

When I managed to pull myself together, we left the cemetery and Harry took me home.

" You sure you're alright?" He asked quite concerned.

" I promise, sorry I messed this up, I just really had to see him again..."

" Hey don't blame yourself, it's alright I didn't mind."

We walked up the stairs to my doorway.

I unlocked the door and turned back to face him.

" Thanks again, I'll see you Monday alright?"

Sure Harry was charming, and attractive but I didn't want a relationship right now. Especially with what Happened with Niall and all.

He lowered his head to meet my eyes and closed his eyes. He leaned forward to kiss me, but missed as I turned my head.

" Harry Im sorry, I can't." I quickly blurted out.

" Im sorry...was it my breath? Did I rush things..."

Poor Harry...he looked embarrassed.

"'s just I can't, not right now, not like're a great guy...but."

" I get it....I get that you have feelings for Louis too, but I'll wait for you, whatever it takes.."

" Oh No, I don't have feelings for That.."

" Colette you can lie to him but you can't lie to him, I see the way you look at each other.."

Look at each other? Did that mean that Louis felt something for me too...yeah he invited me over to his house and I met his family...and he had blackmailed me...but I think I would be smarter than to think Tomlinson had

" You better realize it fast too Colette, you can't push everything that cares for you away.."

" I don't." I said firmly." And you don't even like me! Before I started hanging out with Tomlinson I didn't even exist to you? So why's that Harrold?"

" Did you just call me.."

" You're damn right I just called you Harrold, now get out of here, I can't believe you would even think I'd be interested in you."

" Dont have to be such a bitch about it."

He dug his hands deep into his jeans and turned around, I watched him walk away before I slammed the door behind me.

I'm an idiot, I can't withstand a relationship, I just can't, I don't feel like people should love me, after all my mother has done a pretty good job of showing me that.

She doesn't love me and I don't love her, why should she get any love? She killed my father, yeah that's right the bitch killed my father, whom I gave all my love to.

Don't steal my heart.{Louis Tomlinson fan fic }Where stories live. Discover now