Chapter 2: My name is Kira

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You are in school, learning about Adolf Hitler and a man named Rudolf Von Stroheim. After class you see everyone bowing to this bright light. Some brown haired girl that was talking to Ryuko pushes her down to make her bow. You didn't want to stand out so you walked over and bowed next to Ryuko.

Y/n: Do you know what's going on?

Ryuko: Not a damn clue.

Fun Fact: Clue was the 69th word.

Mako proceeds to explain how the school functions.

Y/n: So one star is a common rank that will get you a decent house? I know what I'm going to do.

Ryuko suddenly stands up and starts making exposition. She then jumps up to take a swing with half of a giant pair of scissors at the woman in white but is stopped when she gets punched in the face. You rush over to her.

Y/n: Ryuko! Are you ok?

The woman: Step away from her and you won't be given the same treatment.

Y/n: What I'm about to do is going to ruin my chances of a quiet life but to protect my friend, I'll have to do it.

The woman: Very well then. Fukuroda, dispose of them and confiscate the scissor blade.

Fukuroda: With pleasure, Lady Satsuki.

Y/n: Fukuroda, was it? My name is Y/n Kira. I am 17 years old. I'm from the northeast section of Morioh where all the villas are and I am not in a relationship. I am currently unemployed and I get home from school at 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke and I don't drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM and make sure to get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problem sleeping until morning.

Fukuroda: What are you talking about?

Y/n: I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a quiet life. I want this because I know it makes me happy. That's how I deal with society.

Fukuroda: You should have thought about that before defying Lady Satsuki!

Y/n: Catch.

You throw a coin to him.

Fukuroda: Do you think you can bribe me with 10 yen?

You make your hands look as if you were holding a pen that you are about to click.

Ryuko: Y/n, what are you doing!?

You press your thumb down to your finger. An audible click is heard. Suddenly, Fukuroda is caught in an explosion coming from the coin. He screams in pain.

Ryuko: What!?

You grab Ryuko by the arm while having a pink, cat like figure hold her sword near you. You run out to the slums where you would theoretically by safe.

Y/n: Are you hurt, Ryuko?

Ryuko: I-i'm fine. Why is he so close?

Y/n: Let's get you to somewhere safer. Do you have a place in mind?

The Mysterious Man From Morioh (Yoshikage Kira Reader x Kill La Kill)Where stories live. Discover now