part 3 [the pretty girl]

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I woke up and saw many people around me. I didn't see Winwin, Jisung, Jaehyun, and Chenle tho... it's probably late already. Jisung and Chenle can't stay out for too long, or else their parents will get mad. I also saw my brother and my
cousin jumping up as they see me turning my head to look around.

Mark: "Yah Lee Y/N!!"

Henry: "Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Do you know how worried we were? Don't scare us like that ever again!"

Y/N: "What's going on?"

Ten: "You passed out in the toilets"

Yuta: "And you threw up"

Y/N: "Right... That's the last thing that I remember"

Mark suddenly hit my head and started nagging again.

Mark: "Why would you want to lose weight? Huh?"

Y/N: "W-What do you mean by that?" I held my head because it hurt. I was also nervous about how they found out that I was trying to lose weight.

Mark: "Winwin and Jaehyun found dieting pills in your bag.."

Y/N: *looking down, playing with her fingers* "....."

Henry: "Do you know how dangerous those are? Especially if there is 'lose weight in just one week' written on it.."

Y/N: "I know but—"

Yangyang: *sigh* "Is it because of Chenle?.."

I quickly looked up at him when he said that.

Y/N: " How- How did you kn-"

Yuta: "Come on... We all can see how you look at him..."

Johnny: "That's definitely not how you look at a normal friend."

Y/N: "I-I thought he would finally notice how much I like him..."

Yangyang: "By starving yourself??"

Y/N: "I thought he would like me more too if I was skinnier.."

Mark: *sigh....* "Let's get you discharged first... Can you walk?"

Y/N: "Yeah I think I can."

Mark, Henry and I drove home and so did the others.


Mom: "OMO MY BABY!" *hugs you* Are you okay????!!!"

Y/N: "Yeah.."

Grandma: "Y/N what happened??.. we were worried about you when we got that call from Mark!"

Dad: "Yah Yah Yah.. don't surround her like that. She probably still has to rest right, Y/N?"

I nodded and they told me to sleep first.

—Next Day—

I felt way better and went to the park to take a walk. I plugged my headphones in and just let my feet lead the way. I was lost in my music and just looked on the ground until I bumped into a tall figure.

Y/N: "I'm sorry- Oh! Hey Jisung!" *smile*

Jisung: "Hey Y/N! Are you okay? I was really worried about you when I saw you lying there."

Y/N: "Perfectly fine!" *smiles while doing this pose⬇️*

Jisung: *chuckling* "perfect! How about we go to the internet café then?"

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Jisung: *chuckling* "perfect! How about we go to the internet café then?"

Y/N: "Ahhh... You know it's very late already and- THE LAST ONE TO GET THERE BUYS RAMEN!" *sprints to the internet café*

Jisung: "Yah that's not fair!!!" *sprints after her*

Author POV

Jisung and Y/N are childhood friends, they know each other ever since kindergarten. Jisung liked Y/N more than a friend since elementary school but was never confident enough to tell her. He used to secretly put gifts on her desk in school. Candies in elementary school and flowers in middle school still does. She doesn't know who her secret lover is tho.

Back to Y/N POV

I got to the internet café first and Jisung had to pay for our food~~~

Jisung: *fake sobbing* "My precious money... ㅠㅠ"

Y/N: "Aww~" *ruffling his hair*

We ate while we played some rounds and Jisung had to go to the bathroom after a while. I won the round and stretched myself by leaning back with my arms in the air. I looked around to see if Jisung is coming back bu instead, I saw a very familiar face.

Y/N: *talking to herself* "Isn't that Chenle?"

Jisung: *standing behind her* Where?"

Y/N: "Ahhhh!! Yah ! You startled me!"

Jisung: "Sorry sorry~~ Where did you see Chenle tho?"

Y/N: "Over there"

I pointed at Chenle who was with a girl. Jisung looked into this direction now.

Jisung: "Who is this girl? Do you know her?"

Y/N: "No... But she is pretty..."

Jisung: "Lets find out." *drags you to the other two*

Y/N: "Wait no-*

Chenle: "Oh hi!"

Jisung: "Hey!"

Y/N: "Hi..."

Chenle: "Oh Y/N! Are you okay? I didn't know you already got discharged" *smiles*

Y/N: "Yeah... I'm fine"

His smile is so pretty.... I was lost in my thoughts until the other girl spoke up.

???: "Uhm... Chenle who is this?.."

Chenle: "Ah! This is Y/N my best friend! Y/N, this is Mina."

Mina: "It's very nice to meet you!" *smiles*

Wow... Her smile is so pretty....

I was just staring at her while shaking her hand until Jisung waved his hands in front of my face.

Jisung: "Hello? Earth to Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hm, Yes?" *realises*

Chenle: "Hey Y/N, can I talk to you for a bit in private?"

Y/N: "Uhm sure."

We went to the other side of the café to talk.

Y/N: "Wah... She is really pretty."

Chenle: "I know right? So.. I actually really wanted to tell you this sooner but..."

Loved him first but showed it too late // [Zhong Chenle X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now