part 5 [our friend]

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We still had 6 minutes of walking and it started pouring. Both of us had only shirts on and there was no convince store in sight.

Y/N: "Man this day hates me."

Jisung: "Us"

We sighed and kept walking. We heard a familiar voice calling my name and I turned my head in that direction.

Jaemin: "Y/N! Jisung? Why are you walking around while it's raining?? You'll get sick!"

This is Jaemin, one of our friends, our classmate, the school's ace, and who lives near me. He saw us walking and immediately grabbed two umbrellas and ran outside.

Jaemin: "Come inside until it stops pouring."

He gave me one of the umbrellas and helped me with Jisung.

[Inside Jaemin's house]

Jaemin came back from the kitchen with two cups of tea. We sat on the couch and Jisung and I shivered.

Jaemin: "I will get you towels, wait"

I looked around the room and saw no family pictures anywhere.

Jaemin: "Here."

He gave us the towels and I asked him:

Y/N: "I'm sorry to ask but where are your parents?"

Jaemin: *sigh* "They are on a business trip again... they aren't home too often and if they are, they would either just be in their room, sleeping, or I'm at school."

Y/N: "Oh I'm sorry..."

Jaemin: "There's no need to be sorry."

He gave me a big smile.

Jaemin: "So how did this happen?"

Y/N: "His knee? Hehe...... long story."

Jisung: I had to drag her out of the subway because she was about to choke some dude that insulted her just because she accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder."

Y/N: ".......Yeah this."

Jaemin: "Woah." *looks out of the window* "I don't think that it will stop raining today..."

Y/N: "Yeah it won't... I just checked the weather app and it won't stop raining until tomorrow in the afternoon.."

Jaemin: "It's okay, you can sleep here if you want."

Y/N: "Really?"

Jaemin: "Yeah!

[next day]

When you woke up on Jaemins couch, you smell something delicious coming out of the kitchen.

Y/N: *yawn* "Good morning!~~"

Jaemin: "Good morning, you're up early."

Y/N: "I always wake up around this time. What are you doing? Can I help?" *leaning closer to him*

Jaemin: "You can set the table and wake Jisung up."

Y/N: "Aye aye captain."

You set the table and woke Jisung up who was also sleeping on the couch because he fell asleep on there last night.

Jaemin: "Good morning Jisung."

Jisung: "Good morning."

We all ate, Jaemin and I talked about anything and as I looked over at Jisung, I noticed that he was about to fall asleep and fall into his food. I looked at Jaemin and he noticed as well.

Jaemin: "Yah Jisung, you will fall into your eggs."

Just a second after he said that, Jisung slipped out of the hand that was holding his head. Jaemin quickly caught Jisungs head before it fell on his plate.

Jaemin: "Are you that tired?"

Jisung: "I'm not a morning person... sorry Hyung."

Y/N: *amazed* "Wow, I didn't know that you had such fast reflexes."

Jaemin: "You need them as leader of the badminton club."

Jisung: "We have a badminton club?"

Jaemin: "Yeah, we're just a few people because badmin isn't as popular as basketball or baseball."

Y/N: "Can I join? I love playing badminton!"

Jaemin: "Of course! I will talk about it with the coach! Do you wanna join too, Jisung?"

Jisung: "Nah, I will stick to basketball"

Jaemin: "Alright!"

Y/N: "Hey, what time is it?"

Jaemin: "7:40- 7:40?!??!!!?? WE WILL BE LATE!!"

Jisung: "HURRY!"


Loved him first but showed it too late // [Zhong Chenle X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now