Chapter One: Preparations

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Chapter One: Preparations

"Can you grab the charger?" I yelled back at Rora, who was following me down the stairs. She grunted and twirled around to go back up the stairs. "Thank you!" I said ever so sweetly with a smile.  

I cut off the music that filled the entire house and grabbed my keys and other essentials. Rora met me in the car and I plugged in my phone that was blasting up with messages from every source imaginable. I had contacted just about everyone I knew from my previous summer escapades here. Rora and I always held a little "get-together" on the beach to kick off our summer. Now of course we didn't just invite the same people as before. That would be a near snooze-fest. We always needed new people to keep us entertained. So we were leaving a couple hours early to grab a few things for the party and most importantly, scout for newer and better boys to bring along. Most girls would wanna bring a date to these kinds of things, but not me. I liked to fly single for the first couple of parties before I set my eyes on anyone in particular. Ya know, exploring my options. As for Rora, she was all about bringing as many as possible, flirting with as many as possible, and hooking up with as many as possible. She didn't care if it came after the first party or the last, either way it was happening.  

The party was at 7, which meant we should be back by 6 to get ready since it was only a mile down the beach in one of our usual spots. (Rora and I found a couple of the best secluded beach spots and claimed them as our own territory, specifically for this kind of thing.) We bought a few drinks but not many since I was relying on the boys to BYOB. Rora insisted on some stupid beach chairs to bring so we got those too. I have no idea why, considering no one ever really sat at my parties, but whatever. We grabbed some fruit just for a snack until the party and then proceeded to the checkout where there just so happened to be a couple guys checking out some things of their own, if you know what I mean. 'Gosh Azz, getting those looks in early this summer are we?', I thought to myself and it kinda brought a smirk to my face. It was a little obvious the way they were looking at us though. Gee, what am I, a piece of meat? Uhk, I think I'll let Rora have these two. She likes them all googly eyed over her. They kept staring, more towards Rora's ass than anything else, so we finished checking out and headed over to where they stood waiting on us anyways. I bumped Rora's shoulder, letting her know that they were all hers and to take the initiative.  

"Like what you see boys?" She really had that down. It worked 95% of the time and this was no exception. They eyed her once more then spoke. The blonde first, "I'm Zach and this is Jordan." He nodded to the long hair kid with a Diamond Supply tee. "Aurora," Rora grinned and then winked at the Zach kid. I couldnt help but giggle. To this Rora gestured toward me, "and that would be Azz." Jordan looked at me and asked if it was short for Jazz. Ha! Please. "No dimwit, like Aslan the lion, from Chronicles of Narnia," I spat. "Ouch," was the response of dimwit. I retorted with a typical, "Watch it. I bite." There was no way in hell this kid was gonna get anything from me so I nodded to the parking lot, letting Rora know I was gonna head to the car.  

I was checking my lipgloss in the mirror when Rora hopped into the car. Finally! The slight satisfactory smile on her face let me know she had invited them. Uhk. Now we gotta go find something to entertain me. We drove around for a bit then stopped on one of the local hang out spots, which was crowded with guys, obviously already beginning to soak up the summer sun. 'Damn they looked good!' We walked into a juice joint and I scanned the room as Rora ordered us some smoothies. I didn't see much actually worth my breath but whatever. I traded info about the party with a few boys but nothing was really popping out. As we were about to walk out, I saw them. They were probably the closest thing to hot that I had seen all day. I made eye contact with the one wearing a skater tank. He obviously noticed me eyeing him a bit and walked up to me. 'Game face Azz' I have to say I was pretty rusty since it had been so long since I could be myself but after a couple introductory sentences I snapped right into my typical Azz-rhythm. The one in the tank tops name was Roman and the others told me theirs but I didn't really bother listening. I told them about the party and how I knew they wouldn't have anything better to do other than stare at each other wishing they could be with a hot piece of ass, so they might as well come to my little "get-together". Roman said he would "think about it". Haha loser. I knew he would be there no matter what. No one could resist me or my bitchy tude, no matter how hard they tried. I was too busy being egotistical to hear the whole thing but I'm pretty sure Roman said he might bring his cousins or something like that. Not quite sure, nor did I care. I exchanged numbers and then told him I would see him at 7 and his beverage choice was on him. "Bye cupcake," I winked then twirled around in the direction of my car, letting my hair tail-whip behind me. (That was a trick I picked up a few summers ago. Always let them see something they wanted their hands on before leaving. It always left them wanting more. And for some reason, my hair seemed to always get them, as well as my eyes. Hence the winking. )  

I let Rora drive us back so I could take a brief moment to take in the music and my surroundings. I always liked to have a bit of thinking time before I had a big gathering or party. It was just part of my routine here. It was pretty brief but well worth it. I was officially ready to forget all things at home and put focus on my summer time at Laguna.

We got back inside the house around 6:30 since we took a pretty long detour home. I ran into the kitchen and put up the groceries after I plugged the iPod into the surround sound. Rora was already upstairs taking a shower. I took one this morning so i told her to go ahead i was gonna clean up the kitchen a bit, just in case there was unexpected company later. If there was one room in the whole house I couldn't stand being dirty, it was the kitchen. I started by putting away all food, not that we had much since its been a matter of 5 hours here. Then I cleaned the sink and whipped down all cabinets and handles of any kind. (Yes I'm one of those. Germs are disgusting.) I started dance cleaning when "I cant wait" by Nu Shooz came on. The 80's always got me in an awkward dance mood. I was brushing off all the counters when I saw Rora walk down the stairs.  

"Damn Azz. You better stop before I have to call the police on your white girl ass!" Sometimes I really questioned how Rora came up with these comments.  

"Boo, you whore!" Whenever in doubt, refer to Mean Girls. "You can vacuum if you have a problem with my 'white girl ass'." 

I pushed it her direction and smirked as she realized I was being serious. I turned my back to her and danced up the stairs and into the bedroom. We shared one so that we could use the other as a "guest room" for that unexpected company I was referring to. It was our way of having a room without being interrupted or disturbed when we needed it. I walked over to the newly organized dresser. I grabbed a white bikini top and yellow bottoms with a white tie string on it for me and a matching emerald green bikini set. I reached for a light distressed pair of denim shorts and a pair of darker ones for Rora. I went into the hall and through down Rora's suit and shorts then went back into the room and put mine on. The bikini top fit snug and made me look slightly darker than i was. I pulled the bottoms over my long, slender legs. Then the denim shorts over that. I looked into the massive full length mirror and took in my features. The shorts that really didn't even qualify as shorts fit around my practically non existent butt and the yellow bottoms stuck out of them in the front. I chose yellow because unlike most people, i pulled off the color really well. My hair helped with that I guess. It was a light brown with golden accents that looked like strips of caramel under the Cali sun. My hair was tousled all over the place and reached the edges of my elbows. Saying that I had a lot of hair was a bit of an understatement. It was everywhere, not a big bushy frizz ball way but in a gorgeous sex-goddess way. As I was continuing my self-indulged mirror session I heard a thud coming from down stairs. 'Way to go Rora, way to go' 

Jogging down the stairs I saw Rora's big butt trying to get up off the floor. Someone was obviously shaking her own 'white girl ass' and fell. I told her I would clean up the water she spilt so she could go get changed. She left, picking up the clothing i threw down earlier and went into the guest bathroom by the front door.  

When she came out of the bathroom, I was already waiting for her, keys and her shoes in hand. I tossed them to her and walked out into the car. Even though it was only a mile down the road, I still wanted to drive since Rora insisted on bringing the dumbass chairs and drinks. We got in the car and I checked the time, 7:16. Perfect. Just right on time. I never showed up to a party when it started, even if I was the one hosting. It just wasn't my thing to do the awkward meet and greet baloney before people got out of their stupid shell and let loose. Pulling into the illegal parking lot that had already formed, we checked out lips and put on mascara then got out. I grabbed the towels, drinks, and phone, forcing Rora to carry her ridiculous chairs. When she came around to my side of the car, we both looked out at the scene occurring in our usual spot. We could both feel the air blowing beach into our hair. With that, I looked to her and said, "party time bitch." Then took off after the boys awaiting our late yet expected arrival.

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