Chapter two

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"Marley darling!" Maura said to me cheerfully as she walked into the building. She had called me up the other day to have lunch with her and I couldn't say no. I genuinely liked Niall's parents. They were sweet and nice and laid back, much like Niall himself is. It was my idea to move back to Ireland after our careers had finished. Niall hadn't been with his family for a while and I loved it out here so why not?

"Maura!" I smile, standing up to meet her. She walked up to me and gave me a tight hug before sitting down across from me. "How have you been sweetie?" She asks. "We've been great! How are you?" I reply, knowing that she was asking about Niall and I. "The same" she smiles brightly. The waitress walked up to our table and we ordered our drinks before chatting a bit.

"Anyway, how's work been? Niall says it's been pretty crazy this past month" she says, leaning forward a little. "Yes it has been hectic! At the beginning of the month it was pretty slow, but now we're up late with calls from new and old clients about producing, meetings, you name it!" I breathe out, moving my hair to the side. "Wow, you two are busy! That must mean you're the best at it" she says, winking at the end. "Oh Maura stop it" I say as we both laughed at her statement.

"So how's my boy treating you? Still has his manners right?" She says half-jokingly. "Yes, except when he snores at night" I laugh. "That's when I kick him out" I add. "He's always been a loud sleeper, much like his father when we were together" she chuckles. "Enough about me, what about you? What's going on in the life of Maura?" I ask, sipping on my drink. "Things are good. Greg and Denise are about to have their second baby, so they've been checking up on us" she smiles.

"Have they said what they're having?" I ask, leaning on my elbows. "No, they want to be surprised. Which to me would be silly" she says, laughing at the end. "Why is that silly?" I ask. "I would want to know the second we got to know what we're having. I did with the boys and I loved it" she explains."What would you do in that type of situation?" She asks. I know that I will be in that situation. My subconscious silently comments.

"Um, I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to wait and see" I say, making her eyes widen. "What?" I ask as she gasps. "Marley, are you and Niall..?" She asks excitedly. How did she get it from that sentence?! "Maura, you need to promise me something" I say as her smile only grows. "Oh my gosh!" She smiles, putting her hands on top of mine. "Nothing has happened, but yes" I say. "You two are trying for a baby?" She smiles. I couldn't help but smile as I shook my head 'yes' to her.

She squeezes my hand and leans over the table, hugging me. Or attempting to I should say. "This is so exciting! I'm going to be a grandmother for what, the third time!" She smiles. "Please don't say anything to Niall that I told you. We want to keep it secretive since nothing has happened yet. It's just planning for now" I say. "Trust me my lips are sealed. But this is so exciting! Imagine the baby you two would make!" She beams. My mind trails off and her words linger. I wonder what our child would look like..

"Babe, I'm back!" I yell as I close the front door. "In the living room!" I hear him yell. I set my bags down and walk into the living room, seeing him sitting on the sofa, watching the soccer game. I walk in and sit down next to him. He mutes the TV and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head.

"How was lunch with mum?" He asks, moving a strand of hair out of my face. "Good. We talked about you" I smile. "You were? And how'd that go?" He asks. "Oh the usual. I complained about your snoring and she said you got that from your father" I shrug, making him laugh lightly. "But you love me enough to overlook my obnoxious snoring" he smiles. "Sure, keep telling yourself that" I chuckle. He pokes his bottom lip out at me and I poke it.

"You wanna know what got me thinking though" I say, tracing designs on his bicep. "What?" He asks, watching my finger run along his skin. "What our child would look like" I say, not looking up at him. "What do you think he or she would look like?" He asks, tilting my chin up with his finger. "Well, he or she would have your eyes, personality, and talent" I smile. He smiles before kissing my lips softly.

"What about you? What do you think our son or daughter will look like?" I ask after he pulls away. "Hmm, mine is pretty close to yours actually" he starts. He leans back a little and runs a hand through his hair. "He or she will definitely have your eyes and smile. No doubt they'll get that from you. And I think they'll have my sense of humor, but also your sarcasm" he chuckles. I swat him playfully and he laughs, bringing me closer to him. "But no matter who they look like, I will always love them with all my heart" he says, pressing his forehead against mine. I smile and look up at his eyes. "I love you" I whisper, kissing the corner of his mouth. "I love you too" he whispers back before reconnecting our lips for a heated and passionate kiss.

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